CBNERR-VA Monitoring

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    Buoy oh buoy!   Maintaining buoys in the heat of the summer as part of the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System (2021).  
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    Marsh surveys.   Habitat mapping out in the marsh (2021).  
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    SAV   (submerged aquatic vegetation) is a focus of CBNERR-VA's biological monitoring.  
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    Taskinas Creek Weather Station   Troubleshooting monitoring equipment at the CBNERR-VA weather station in York River State Park (2019).  
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    CONMON community   CBNERR-VA works with community members to deploy continuous monitoring stations in the Bay.  
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CBNERR-VA's monitoring program was developed to provide a holistic representation of physical and biological Bay water indicators. Click on the below links to learn more about the program's three, interconnected facets: