Recent Offerings

Thematic Trainings, Workshops, Summits

Select thematic trainings: 
  • December 2019 : Social Science Basics for Coastal Managers; led by NOAA's Office for Coastal Management.
  • May 2019 : SET 101.  Webinar recording, pdf of presentation and a link to the NPS 'Protocol for Monitoring Wetland Elevation Dynamics' found here.


Select topical workshops: 
wetland-delineation-october-22.jpg img_7041.jpg
  • September 2021: Middle Peninsula Restoration Workshop
  • January 2021: Equitable Negotiation on the Coast; a course led by the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation
  • September/October 2019 : Perennial Stream Identification Course: a 2-day lab and field experience focused on methods for field identification of “water bodies with perennial flow in identified counties within Virginia’s Coastal Plain.” 


Select technical conference, symposia and summits: 
Course Catalog
  • A curated list of courses previously offered by CBNERR-VA's Coastal Training Program