
  • Weakfish
    Weakfish   Weakfish are found along the east coast from Nova Scotia to Florida and can reach a length of 91 cm (3 ft.) and a weight of 19 lbs.  
  • Weakfish
    Weakfish   Juvenile weakfish occur in Trawl Survey catches as early as late May. They are found throughout Chesapeake Bay and it's tributaries until early winter, when they migrate offshore.  
  • Weakfish and silver seatrout
    Weakfish and silver seatrout   Many species from the family Sciaenidae are found in Chesapeake Bay and some can be difficult to distinguish from one another. Here is a silver seatrout (Cynoscion nothus) and a weakfish. These species look very similar, but the silver seatrout lacks conspicuous spots. They can also be distinguished from one another by their tongue pigmentation.  
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 weakfish index graph

  • This species first recruits to the survey gear in June.
  • The only index calculated is for Age 0 fish. 
  • The Young-of-Year cutoff values are:
    • June: 0-90 mm.
    • July: 0-120 mm.
    • August: 0-150 mm.
    • September: 0-180 mm.
    • October: 0-200 mm.
    • November: 0-200 mm.
    • December: 0-200 mm.
    • January: 0-200 mm.
    • February: 0-200 mm.
    • March: 0-200 mm.
    • April: 0-225 mm.
    • May: 0-240 mm.
  • YOY Index months are in bold.
  • Stations in both the upper and lower portions of the rivers and all Bay stations are used.

Data collected after the transition to a new vessel and net (June 2015) have been adjusted by a species-specific calibration factor.

Weakfish Excel file

For more information on how this species is managed please visit the ASMFC wesbite.