Summer Flounder

  • Summer flounder
    Summer flounder   Summer flounder comprise important recreational and commercial fisheries. Management agencies closely monitor their status and the VIMS Trawl Survey data is recognized by the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council as one of the key predictors of summer flounder recruitment. The largest specimen measured on the survey was 61 cm (28 in.), 10 cm (4 in.) larger than the summer flounder in this photo.  
  • Summer flounder
    Summer flounder   Summer flounder spawn from September through January on the continental shelf and the larvae enter Chesapeake Bay from October through May. This specimen was caught in February and is about 25 mm (1 in.) in length.  
  • Summer flounder
    Summer flounder   Summer flounder are ambush predators, partially burying themselves in the sand and attacking prey that venture within reach. Their prey primarily consists of fish, shrimp, and squid.  
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sf index graph

  • This species first recruits to the gear in March, though large numbers don't appear until June or July.
  • The only index calculated is for Age 0 fish. 
  • The Young-of-Year cutoff values are:
    • March: 0-60 mm.
    • April: 0-100 mm.
    • May: 0-140 mm.
    • June: 0-170 mm.
    • July: 0-200 mm.
    • August: 0-225 mm.
    • September: 0-250 mm.
    • October: 0-275 mm.
    • November: 0-290 mm.
    • December: 0-290 mm.
    • January: 0-290 mm.
    • February: 0-290 mm.
  • YOY index months are in bold.
  • Stations in the lower portions of the rivers and all Bay stations are used.

Data collected after the transition to a new vessel and net (June 2015) have been adjusted by a species-specific calibration factor.

Summer Flounder Excel file

For more information on how this species is managed please visit the ASMFC website.