Advisory Service

CCRM serves as an advisor for the management of coastal resources in Virginia and beyond.  Advice covers a wide range of subjects, crossing many disciplines, and involving both natural and social sciences. 

Much of our advice is on Virginia's two wetland management programs; Tidal Wetlands and Shorelines and Non-tidal Wetlands.  Our recommendations are science-based to support informed policy decisions. 

An on-going Shoreline Inventory supports a variety of applications to assist decision-makers.  Guidance is also provided on Flooding, climate change Adaptation, Marine Debris and more.

The Center also provides advice through local and regional management programs such as the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program, the Chesapeake Bay Program and the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership.


  • Shoreline Management  – information to help implement Virginia's tidal shoreline laws and policies including general guidance for the entire coastal area and locality specific information