Molluscan Ecology Program

The Molluscan Ecology Program within the Natural Resources Section at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) is a dynamic research group that derives its origins from the original oyster biologists at the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, the organizational ancestor to VIMS. We provide research-based advisory service to Virginia for oyster biology, ecology, restoration and fishery management, plus our research includes a wide range of other topics.

Building from 30+ years of experience, we have worked since the late 1990s with scientists and industry members on stock assessment, modeling, and aging of both Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog populations along the East Coast of the United States. Graduate education at the Masters and the Ph.D. level is an integral component of our program at all levels.
Contact Us
Molluscan Ecology Personnel
Dr. Roger Mann, Professor

VIMS Molluscan Ecology
Andrews Hall 425
Gloucester Point, VA 23062

Missy Southworth, Sr. Marine Scientist

VIMS Molluscan Ecology
Andrews Hall 314
Gloucester Point, VA 23062

Karen Reay, Web & Communications

Molluscan Ecology Contractor
Baywater Communications
Gloucester, VA 23061

Alexandria Marquardt, Ph.D. Candidate

VIMS Molluscan Ecology
Andrews Hall 313
Gloucester Point, VA 23062

Nate Ottto, Technician

VIMS Molluscan Ecology
Andrews Hall
Gloucester Point, VA 23062

General Lab Phone Numbers
Lab numbers
Chemical Lab A315 7724
Imaging Lab A316 7532
Archive Room Upstairs  A317 7538
Archive Room Downstairs A116 7318
Wet Lab  A125 6312
Quahog Processing Lab A123 6223