Molluscan Ecology Research

  • Cruise Crew:
    Cruise Crew:   Research crew on the Pursuit clam cruise fall 2021.  
  • At sea:
    At sea:   Dr. Roger Mann and Sara Pace measuring surf clams caught in a dredge.   Theresa Redmond
  • Microscopic work:
    Microscopic work:   Resilia with age growth lines annotated.   Theresa Redmond
  • Oyster Research:
    Oyster Research:   Melissa Southworth leads the oyster patent tong survey during a 2016 survey. Photo: Karen Reay  
  • Molluscan Ecology Research
    Molluscan Ecology Research   Dredges on the gantry...notice their size in comparison to the worker.   Photo by Roger Mann
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Current research projects focus on the biology and ecology of several molluscs listed below as well as projects examining age and growth and coastal habitat ecology. These research projects seek to answer focused questions and rely on data collected in both field and laboratory settings. 

VIMS is also a research site for the Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCEMFIS), an NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center. Dr. Roger Mann is the VIMS Site Director and Dr. Eric Powell, University of Southern Mississippi is the Program Director for the Center.


- Aquaculture in Virginia

- Atlantic Surf Clam (Spisula solidissima) and Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica)

- Oysters (Crassostrea virginica)
- Sea Scallops
- Rapa Whelk Update

- Research Grants