Shoreline & Tidal Marsh Inventory

CCRM is a recognized global leader in the science and technology of shoreline and tidal marsh inventories.  Over decades of conducting inventories in the Chesapeake region, we have developed several advanced data collection and analysis techniques.  Our work is informing the management and protection of shoreline areas and tidal marshes throughout the Chesapeake Bay.

By the Numbers

We have achieved multiple milestones in our shoreline and tidal marsh inventory work.  The metrics below help communicate the depth and scope of our work.

Shoreline Inventory - By the Numbers

What is an Inventory?

Shoreline inventories are maps of the conditions along shorelines that can be observed and categorized from aerial photograph interpretation, field observations and other available map data.  Tidal Marsh Inventories are sometimes included with Shoreline Inventories.  These wetland inventories map the locations and dominant plant communities observed in tidal marshes.

Other shoreline conditions captured by these inventories include:

  • Natural shoreline features like riparian forests, wetlands and beaches
  • Shore protection structures like revetments, bulkheads, marsh sills and offshore breakwaters
  • Water access structures like docks, boathouses, boat ramps and marinas
  • Bank height from available topography
Coastal Management Applications
Shoreline inventory maps are used to inform management and policy decisions at small and large scales.  
  • Calculate extent of shoreline armoring
  • Provide input for Shoreline Management Model
  • Conduct site-specific shoreline assessments
  • Support shoreline permit application reviews and decisions
Regional Shoreline & Tidal Marsh Inventories

Completed inventories include maps, reports and GIS data for downloading.  Details about the methods used are provided in the reports and metadata for each shoreline inventory

Learn More about the history of the Shoreline & Tidal Marsh Inventory program