Virginia Wetlands Report

The following is a list of articles by subject contained within issues of the Virginia Wetlands Report. The report is a bi-annual newsletter published by the Center for Coastal Resources Management at VIMS that contains topics of interest related to wetlands and coastal management.  

Animals & Insects

Raccoon, Golden Silk Spider
Marsh Rabbit
Dredge Spoil Oysters
Horseshoes Anyone?
Virginia Horseshoe Crab Management Update
Dragonflies: Hawks of the Insect World
A Crawfish by any Other Name Would Taste as Sweet
Salt Marsh Snails
Grass Shrimp
Fiddler Crab
The Stinging Sea Nettle (Jellyfish)
Northern Water Snake
Diamondback Terrapin
Hellgrammites and Their Relatives
The Common Clamworm (Nereis succinea)
Green Tree Frog
Alligators Abound! Alligator Farming in America


Virginia Rail
The Living Marsh: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
Black Duck
Marsh Wren
Little Blue Heron
Swamp Sparrow
American Oystercatcher
Sea Ducks: Scoters and Oldsquaw
Death on the Chesapeake Bay: The 1994 Avian Cholera Outbreak
Birds of the Eastern Shore
Virginia’s Eastern Shore: Gone to the Birds
Louisiana Waterthrush
Prothonotary Warbler
Black Skimmer
Northern Harrier, or Marsh Hawk
Great Blue Heron
Double-Crested Cormorant
Brown Pelican
Barred Owl
Northern Pintail
Wood Duck
Tundra Swan
Spotted Sandpiper
Killdeer: The Most Famous of Shorebirds
Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Dunlin (Calidris alpina)
Banknesting Birds: Belted Kingfisher, Bank Swallow, and Northern Rough-winged Swallow; Or, Eroding Banks, They’re Not All Bad
Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris)

Book Reviews

Salt Tide: Cycles and Currents of Life Along the Coast
For the Health of the Land: Previous Unpublished Essays and Other Writings
Seashore Chronicles: Three Centuries of the Virginia Barrier Islands
Discovering the Unknown Landscape: A History of America’s Wetlands
Coastal Plants from Cape Cod to Cape Canaveral
Wetlands Explained

Climate Change

Sea Level Rise & Other Coastal Hazards - Living on the Edge
Tidal Wetlands and Sea Level Rise: Where’s the Marsh?


Dredge Spoil Oysters
Dredging Buffers
Corp of Engineers Maneuvering to Adjust James River Dredging Restrictions

Dunes & Beaches

Planting Wetlands and Dunes in Virginia, Part 1: How to Critically Review Project Designs
Wetlands and Coastal Primary Sand Dune Violation Procedures
Planting Wetlands and Dunes in Virginia, Part 2: On-Site Monitoring
Wetlands and Coastal Primary Sand Dune Violation Procedures
Management of Virginia’s Coastal Dunes and Beaches
What is the Coastal Primary Sand Dune Protection Act?
Study Offers Options For Protection of Secondary Dunes


Wetlands Education Program Survey
VIMS Wetlands Education Program Notes
"Playing” Wetland Board is Excellent Learning Tool for Virginia Beach Students
What kind of educational courses and publications does the Wetlands Program offer?
New Scholarship Housed at VIMS
The VIMS Teaching Marsh: A Tidal Wetland Restoration and Education Project
Tidal Wetlands Seminar Draws Crowd
On the Road with CCRM


American Shad
Striped Bass
Atlantic Menhaden
Spotted Seatrout
Atlantic Croaker
White Perch
Red Drum
American Eel
Spanish Mackerel
Bay Anchovy
Atlantic Silverside
Fish Lesions, Pfiesteria and the Chesapeake Bay
Yellow Perch
Sheepshead Minnow
Striped Killifish
Striped Mullet
Grass Shrimp
Red Drum, (Sciaenops oscellatus)
Snakehead Invades Potomac River


Mapping our Coastal Inventory
Mapping the Coastline
The Importance of Natural Resource Inventories
Using Photography for Mapping
The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)
Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Develops New Tidal Wetlands Inventories
Sixth Annual Virginia GIS Conference
Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Exchange- The State of the Problem
Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Exchange- The State of the Problem, Part 2
Geographic Information Systems Support Tributary Strategy Planning in Virginia
GIS as an Educational Tool
GIS as a Tool for Planning and Evaluating Wetland Mitigation Compensation Sites
Targeting for Effective Wetlands Preservation
Classifying Satellite Imagery to Detect Land Cover Features
Monitoring Wetlands Status and Trends: The Remote Sensing Solution
An Update on the Virginia Geographic Information Network
Using Remote Sensing and GIS To Perform Jurisdictional Wetlands Determinations
Shoreline Situation Reports: Revised, Revisited, and Updated
Applications for Wetlands Restoration in the Elizabeth River Watershed
Online Fauna and Flora Data in Virginia
Computing Isolated Wetlands in the Commonwealth
A New Land Cover Data Set Now Available For Virginia’s Tributaries
CCI Develops New Online GIS Resources
Shoreline Situation Report Update
A GIS approach for Targeting Potential Wetlands Mitigation or Restoration Sites
Natural Resource Agencies Identify GIS Data Necessary to Address Agency Mandates
GPS Technology Lends Support to the Marsh Project
Marina Site Suitability Tool Available
The First Electronic Shoreline Situation Report is Released for the City of Norfolk
GIS Assists in Dune Management Project
Workshop for Coastal Managers Planned for May 19-20, 2004
Online Tools Now Available for Coastal Managers
Tools of the Tidal Shoreline Management Trade


Tidal Marsh Inventories List
Tidal Wetlands Inventories
Wetlands Tracking
Tidal Vegetated Wetlands and Shoreline Information by Political Subdivision
A Note From the Virginia Marine Resource Commission: Tracking Wetlands Permit Applications
Status of Wetland Inventories
Back Bay Wetlands Inventory
Historic Wetland Loss in the Elizabeth River
An Overview of Permitted Tidal Wetland Impacts for 2000
A Summary of the EPA Rapid Bioassessment of Wetland Health Workshop
An Overview of Permitted Tidal Wetland Impacts for 2002
Annual Summary of Permitted Tidal Wetland Impacts – 2003
Annual Summary of Permitted Tidal Wetland Impacts - 2004

Law & Policy

In the News: State in U.S. Shoreline Program
Jurisdictional Boundaries for Shorelines Charts
Wetlands Delineation- The Dilemma Continues
Analysis of Functional Assessment Accuracy for Constructed Wetlands
Washington and Wetlands: Where Do Things Stand?
General Assembly Passes, and Governor Signs Wetlands Mitigation Banking Legislation
Wetlands and Regional Watershed Management
Wetlands Mitigation Banks: Creating Big Wetlands to Compensate for many Small Losses
Chesapeake Bay Program Wetlands Initiative - New Approach Allows the Identification of Locally Important Wetlands
Chesapeake Executive Council Directive
Wetlands Protection and Restoration Goals
United States v. Wilson: Muddy Waters in the Search for Wetlands Protection
Responding to the Chesapeake Executive Council Directive for Wetlands Protection and Restoration Goals
Wetlands Initiative Gains Momentum
Virginia Debates Nontidal Wetlands Regulation
DEQ Implementing Nontidal Wetlands Protection Mandate
Bay Managers Eye Recently Permitted SAV Losses
Update on Virginia’s New and Improved Nontidal Wetlands Program
Studies Document Weaknesses in 404 Compensatory Mitigation
Tidal Wetland Mitigation Banking Coming to Virginia Waters
VIMS Upgrades Shoreline Advisory Reports
VMRC Adopts Wetland Mitigation/Compensation Policy Changes
Recommendations for Implementing the Tidal Wetlands Mitigation-Compensation Policy
Integrated Coastal & Shoreline Management Guidance
The Big Picture: Managing Wetland from a Shoreline Perspective


Second Edition of the Virginia Wetlands Management Handbook Now Available
Medicinal Uses of Wetlands
Wetlands: A Critical Resource in the Revolutionary War?
Natural Lighting: Colonial Necessity is Today’s Craft
Through The Years in Virginia’s Wetlands: The 1970’s
Through the Years in Virginia’s Wetlands: Days in the Field
Virginia Wetlands Report Reader Survey Result

People & Meetings

VIMS Hosts Wetlands Functional Assessment Workshop
Habitat Restoration is Focus of Newly Formed Bay Program Workgroup
Virginia Association of Wetlands Professionals
Wetlands Management Symposium A Success
Earthwatchers Witness Change in the Chesapeake
Wetlands and People
Northern Neck Workshops Prove Profitable to Participants
Wetlands Management Symposium: Wetlands Compensation Survey Results
Wetlands Management Symposium Focuses on Technology and Conservation
The Mid-Atlantic Wetlands Monitoring Work Group (MAWWG)

Places to Visit Wetlands

Seashore State Park
Ecotourism and the Chesapeake Bay
Mid-Atlantic Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Workshop
Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge
Estuarine Research Reserves in Virginia
The York River Reserve Sites
The National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Newport News City Park
Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (Part 1)
Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (Part 2)
York River State Park
Corrotoman River Nature Trail
Monkey Bottom Wetland Walkway: A Walk on the Wild Side
Westmoreland State Park
The Marsh Arabs of Southern Iraq
Take a Wetland to Lunch…. Or Take your Lunch to a Wetland


Spartina alterniflora (Saltmarsh, Smooth, or Saltwater Cordgrass)
Reed Grass, Arrowhead
Saltmarsh Cordgrass
Arrow Arum
Peat: Use Through the Centuries
Peat: Processing and Potential for Restoration
Roof Thatching: Phragmites as a Building Material
Wild Rice
Recorded History was Revolutionized By a Wetland Plant
Sago Palm
Atlantic White Cedar
Wetlands Yield Oriental Treats
Phragmites australis (Reed Grass) Bane or Beneficence
Sphagnum Moss: Natural Properties Promote Historic Uses
The Tropical Potato
Beach Plum: (Prunus maritima)
Celebrating a Wetland Wildflower: Seashore Mallow


The Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level Rise, and Their Impact on Tidal Wetlands
Waste Assimilation by Wetlands
VIMS and DEQ Water Division Complete Joint Study of Nontidal Wetland Scientific Advisory Needs
Increasing the Probability of Success in the Construction of Marshes in Coastal Virginia
Impacts of Sea Level Rise Studied in Pamunkey River Marshes
Private Piers and Tidal Marsh Cumulative Impacts
A Level I Protocol for Assessing Wetland Condition by Hydrologic Unit within the Coastal Plain

Resources Law & Policy

In the News: Erosion policy lacking, panel says
1987 Session Virginia Acts of Assembly
Wetland Management: An Early History
National Wetlands Policy and Goals Recommended.
Another Perspective on Wetlands Management
In the General Assembly. 1990
Virginia’s Nontidal Wetland Policy Debate:Reinventing the 1960’s Wheel
Worldwide Shrimp Farming and Mangrove Wetland Losses: Are the Two Irrevocably Linked?


Riprap for Shoreline Erosion Control
What is Riprap?
Wood Preservative Treatments for Marine Construction
Bulkheading with Plastic
New Brochure Encourages “Green” Solutions to Shoreline Erosion
Marsh Grass Planting: Shoreline Stability Without Structure
Gapped Breakwaters
Why is riprap preferred over bulkheads? How do marsh grasses act to stabilize shorelines?
What is a groin and how does it work
Does my erosion control structure affect my neighbor’s shoreline
What is marsh toe protection and how does it protect a wetland?
What is riprap? Is it preferred over a bulkhead for shoreline erosion control?
Preserving The Bay’s Living Shorelines: A Growing Grass-roots Effort


Web Page Panorama
New & Interesting Web Sites

Wetlands Boards

Analysis of Virginia’s Local Wetlands Boards
Special Feature: Middlesex County
Special Feature: Westmoreland County
Marina Sitings From the Scientific Advisor’s Viewpoint
Checklist For Wetlands Board Meetings and Public Hearings
Wetland Board Opening Statement
An Example Wetlands Permit
Wetlands Board Questions and Answers
Middlesex County/Profiles of Wetlands Board Members
Appeals to VMRC
City of Norfolk/Profiles of Wetlands Board Members
Wetland Compensation/Restoration Checklist
Portsmouth/Profiles of Wetlands Board Members
Contractors and the Wetlands Board
Mean High Water Mark and How to Locate it
A Local Board’s Experience with Civil Charges and Penalties
Compensatory Mitigation Issues: Is the planting of nonvegetated wetlands with wetland plants an acceptable form of mitigation?
What are benchmarks and why are they important in my permit application drawings?
VIMS Shoreline Reports to Be Updated and Go Online
Economics vs. Wetland Protection: How Do Wetland Boards Do It
VIMS Upgrades Shoreline Advisory Reports
Recommendations for Implementing the Tidal Wetlands Mitigation-Compensation Policy

Wetlands Ecology

Rejuvenation of the Virginia Oyster Industry
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay
What are nonvegetated wetlands and why are they valuable?
Grazing and Haying Activities in Wetlands
Should I fertilize my tidal marsh?
Literally, what is littoral sand movement?
Are nonvegetated, muddy shorelines valuable to the health of the Chesapeake Bay?
An Introduction to Stressed Habitats