
Agency Grant or Contract Number
vims_logo_200_new.jpg Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary
                   epa_seal_verysmall_trim.jpg Chesapeake Bay Program, United States Environmental Protection Agency CB96343701
dnr_logo_final.gif Maryland Department of Natural Resources K00B2600143
                   mde_logo.png Maryland Department of the Environment MOU MDE FFY2021




Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Coastal Zone Management Program


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


We gratefully acknowledge the federal and state agencies who financially supported this project: the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA); the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA-DEQ), Chesapeake Bay Program; the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD-DNR); the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA-DEQ), Coastal Zone Management Program; and the School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), College of William and Mary. Also, we thank the Keith Campbell Foundation for providing private grants to VIMS in partial support of this work.

Acknowledgments would not be complete without commendation for the groups that provided ground surveys of SAV beds, which were used in conjunction with interpretation of the 2021 photography: Carl Callahan of US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); Rebecca Golden of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD-DNR); Chris Jones of George Mason University (GMU); David Riter of Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management (BCDEPRM); Emily Hein, Corey Holbert, Chris Patrick, and members of the CEEL Lab of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS). We would also like to thank citizens who provided ground data, including Tom Harten and Gene Lopez.

The production of this report required the dedication of numerous scientists, technicians, photographers, and others. The following people deserve a note of thanks: Carin Bisland of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Brooke Landry, Rebecca Golden, and Cathy Wazniak of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD-DNR), Matt Stover of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), Cindy Johnson of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA-DEQ), and Laura McKay of the Virginia Coastal Zone Program. We are especially grateful to the dedicated VIMS personnel who contributed greatly to the production of this report: Valerie Woodard and Pam Ivey of the Sponsored Programs office provided grant administration; Information Technology and Network Services provided computer services; Carey Johnston and Matt Smith orthorectified flight lines; and Regina Burrell, Maxine Butler, Cheryl Teagle, and Grace Tisdale of the Department of Biological Sciences provided administrative assistance and purchasing services.

Air Photographics, Inc. conducted the aerial photographic missions and was responsible for the high quality aerial imagery.