VIMS Storm Surge and Inundation Publications

VIMS SurgePrint: An executive summary of services the VIMS Estuarine Coastal Modeling Group provides related to inundation modeling.

Recent Storm Surge and Inundation Modeling Publications

Loftis, J.D., Wang, H.V., Hamilton, S.E., and Forrest, D.R. (2016). Combination of Lidar Elevations, Bathymetric Data, and Urban Infrastructure in a Sub-Grid Model for Predicting Inundation in New York City during Hurricane Sandy.  Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. (In Review). Preprint PDF

Loftis, J.D., Wang, H.V., DeYoung, R.J., and Ball, W.B. (2016). Integrating Lidar Data into a High-Resolution  Topobathymetric  DEM  for  Use  with  Sub-Grid  Inundation  Modeling  at  Langley  Research Center. Journal of Coastal Research, SI. (In Print). PDF

Wang, H., Loftis, J. D., Forrest, D., Smith, W., and Stamey, B.  (2015). Modeling Storm Surge and inundation in Washington, D.C., during Hurricane Isabel and the 1936 Potomac River Great Flood. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 3(3), 607-629.  PDF

Wang, H., Loftis, J.D., Liu, Z., Forrest, D., and Zhang, J. (2014). Storm Surge and Sub-Grid Inundation Modeling in New York City during Hurricane Sandy. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. PDF

Loftis, J. D. (2014). Development of a Large-Scale Storm Surge and High-Resolution Sub-Grid Inundation Model for Coastal Flooding Applications: A Case Study During Hurricane Sandy. Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary.  PDF

Inundation Modeling Animations

2012 Hurricane Sandy in New York City, NY

2011 Hurricane Irene in the Chesapeake Bay and NASA Langley Research Center, VA

1936 Potomac River Flood in Washington, DC