Alumni Access to Journals

Due to licensing restrictions, access to subscription based online journals is limited to current faculty, students and staff of the College.

An exception to this restriction is the JSTOR Alumni Access program.

JSTOR Alumni Access Program

JSTOR is a digital archive of over 1,700 multidisciplinary academic journals.  Alumni, no matter where they reside, are now be able to use all of the JSTOR collections licensed by Swem Library through JSTOR’s Alumni Access program.
The Arts & Sciences Collections I-XI and the Life Sciences Collection are part of the content provided in JSTOR.  Some of the notable science titles within these collections are:

  • American Midland Naturalist
  • American Naturalist
  • American Scientist
  • Biological Bulletin
  • Bioscience
  • Chesapeake Science
  • Crustaceana
  • Diversity and Distributions
  • Ecological Applications
  • Ecological monographs
  • Ecology
  • Estuaries
  • Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Journal of Coastal Conservation
  • Journal of Coastal Research
  • Journal of Crustacean Biology
  • Journal of the North American Benthological Society
  • Microbial Ecology
  • Oikos
  • Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
  • Science

Lists of titles and the dates of coverage of journals are available from the JSTOR site.  Select the Science and Mathematics category to view titles. Note that JSTOR is primarily an archive collection and it does not provide current content.
More background information on this program and details on access are available here.
Access to the JSTOR collections is through the Alumni website. Alum who do not already have member login access to the alumni site should contact the W&M Alumni Association. Any questions related to access of the Alumni JSTOR content should be directed to the Alumni Association.
Funding to provide JSTOR alumni access is a joint effort between Swem Library and the William & Mary Alumni Association, with the help of an anonymous donor.

Open Access Journals

There are growing numbers of journals which are open access, providing unrestricted access to all of their  journal content without cost to the reader or institution.

Identifying these types of publications can be facilitated by using the following:

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

Over 18,000 journals are listed and linked. You can search by title or browse in subject categories.


Archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. Journal list.