Information Technology & Networking Services (ITNS)
Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is intended for ITNS approved technology utilizing the VIMS network. Within this document, the term “client” will be used to represent VIMS Faculty, Staff, and Students. Further ITNS information and policies can be found at

Terms of Service

ITNS will provide service during regular VIMS operating hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This agreement does not necessarily provide for troubleshooting services outside these hours.

Service Goals

Our goal is to solve problems as quickly as possible. Times may vary based on client, technician availability, scope of problem, volume of workload, and parts availability.

Support Procedures

Clients should submit any technology related requests through the ITNS ServiceDesk Portal. If there is an issue submitting the requests, please contact ITNS. The ServiceDesk portal and the ITNS contact list are located at

Areas of Support

ITNS has several different areas of support which are defined below:

Account Administration

Client Technology Support

Database Support

Email Management

Enterprise Security Support

HPC Support

Instructional Technology

Network/Enterprise Support

Office and Cell Phone Support

Software Licensing

Storage and Backup Administration

Technology Procurement Approvals

Telecommunications Support

Unix/Windows Server Support

Web Account Administration

Web Server Support

Client Responsibilities

The following are the responsibilities of all members of the VIMS campus computing community:

  • maintain use of up-to-date virus protection
  • perform backups of critical data
  • maintain the security of logon passwords
  • avoid unsafe computing
  • use network drives for critical data
  • follow ITNS directives for technology requirements
  • use ITNS standards for software and email protocols
  • request ITNS support via the VIMS ServiceDesk portal
  • coordinate provisioning of new technology with ITNS

Note: ITNS reserves the right to remove any device that may present issues on the VIMS network.

ITNS Responsibilities

ITNS strives to provide the best possible service to the VIMS computing community. The following is not all inclusive, but are the primary responsibilities of ITNS to ensure a functional computing environment:

  • prioritize all incoming technology support requests
  • provide adequate response to requests
  • maintain a safe and secure computing environment
  • define technology standards*
  • provide a stable network environment
  • maintain reliable core services (i.e. email,  web, vpn, storage, etc.)
  • configuration of technology devices
  • provide solutions for client technology needs and requirements

*Updated technology standards can be found in the ITNS “Approved Systems and Applications” document, located at