How To Apply

The application for the Summer Intern Program (below) should be completed and submitted electronically. For full consideration, all application materials, including your transcripts and letters of recommendation, must be received by February 2, 2024.

In addition to completing the on-line application, please do the following:

Request two (2) letters of recommendation from science faculty at your college or university. The letters should address your academic and research capabilities/potential. If you are a rising sophomore and have not yet declared your major, you may request one letter from a faculty member outside of the sciences (for example, math or English). Our advice, based on many years of reading letters from referees, is to give them a 1-page resume, a copy of the essay you plan to submit (or at least a draft), and a copy of your transcript when you ask them to write the letter. Ask them early and be sure they know the deadline. Faculty letters must be submitted as directed on the application website, Please ask your professors to name their recommendation letter as - “VIMS REU Program 2024 – Letter of Recommendation for your name"

Have an official copy of your transcript sent to you via email. Attach it as directed on the application website, . Official copies are only valid if sent directly from the registrar's office. If you attended more than one college or university you must have transcripts sent from each institution. 


Please note that applicants must be enrolled in a degree program leading to an associate’s or bachelor's degree. Questions about the process can be directed to ([[v|intern]]).


*Please clear your browser’s cached data if you are having trouble accessing the application*

Students who identify as a person of color or are first-generation college students should consider applying for the Chesapeake Research Consortium's C-StREAM Fellowship/Internship program. This program works collaboratively with VIM

S to place students in our summer program and can offer additional post-internship opportunities. The program is intended to create a pathway for students that are typically under-represented in the environmental field to pursue careers in environmental research and management.