Bill Walton homepage

Bill Walton

Acuff Professor of Marine Science and Shellfish Aquaculture Program Coordinator

Email: [[v|walton]]
Phone: (804) 684-7238
Office: Acuff Center for Aquaculture 131
Section: Natural Resources

CV (pdf)

Lab website

Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Lab & Team (C-SALT)

  • Ph.D., Fisheries Science, University of Maryland, MD, 2003.
  • M.Sc., Ecology & Evolution, Rutgers University, NJ, 1993.
  • B.Sc., Biology, Tufts University, MA, 1991
Research Interests

I am the Acuff Professor of Marine Science and the Shellfish Aquaculture Program Coordinator. Prior to coming to VIMS, I was the Director of the Auburn University Shellfish Lab on Dauphin Island, Alabama, a Professor in Auburn University’s School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences and a marine Extension specialist for the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

I conduct applied research with local shellfish farmers, resource managers, and national and local organizations addressing challenges and opportunities for shellfish aquaculture. My interests include all aspects shellfish aquaculture, including opportunities for public fisheries and restoration.

Recent Publications
For the most up to date list of publications, please check my ResearchGate profile.