Grace Chiu
Andrews Hall 337
Natural Resources
(804) 684-7221
Research Lab:
{{https://www.vims.edu/research/units/labgroups/estdats, Environmental Statistics and Transdisciplinary Data Science (ESTDatS)}}
Curriculum Vitae:
{{http://faculty.washington.edu/gchiu/cv.pdf, URL}}
Google Scholar:
{{http://goo.gl/nG7rui, URL}}
Methodological |
Subject Areas |
PhD in Statistics (2002), Simon Fraser University, Canada- MSc in Statistics (1996), University of British Columbia, Canada
- BSc in Mathematics, Statistics (double major) (1994), University of British Columbia, Canada
Research Interests
I am a transdisciplinary statistician and data scientist who develops integrative, holistic statistical methodologies for multi-faceted problems, mainly from the environmental and biological sciences. Under an integrative methodological framework, one can formulate a single (often complex) model to address multiple scientific questions simultaneously in a unified manner. A statistical framework addresses research questions through statistical inference (data-based estimation of parameters and their uncertainty). Thus, an integrative statistical methodology is a single statistical inference framework that unifies the multi-faceted evidence-based research, with valid uncertainty propagation across facets. Contrast this with a series of standalone statistical analyses (e.g. through off-the-shelf software packages), whereby the parameter and uncertainty estimates from any analysis in the series correspond purely to one narrow aspect of the overarching research while neglecting the crucial role of uncertainty from the other aspects altogether.
I have coined the nomenclature of some of my methodologies, e.g. the bent-cable regression approach, the latent health factor index (LHFI) modeling framework, the assessment of similarity in preference between networked individuals, and the multiresolution heritability measure.
I develop most of my work under the Bayesian inference paradigm — its flexibility facilitates the proper modeling of complex natural phenomena, typically coupled with complex processes under which data are observed, thereby giving rise to “big-data” structures that are convoluted. An extreme example of convoluted structure might be data on the temporal evolution of the 3-dimensional movement of marine plankton, monitored by a coordinated network of sources — e.g. telemetry data, field observations,
Complexity can also arise when subject-matter theoretical models (e.g. process models, computer simulation models) exist alongside data. I have been employing Bayesian melding to integrate the theoretical model as a type of strong prior
Selected Publications
Authors under my supervision marked with *:
- Hyman, A.C.*, Chiu, G.S., Seebo, M.S., Smith, A., Saluta, G.G., Lipcius, R.N. (2024). “Ontogenetic patterns in juvenile blue crab density: effects of habitat and turbidity in a Chesapeake Bay tributary,” Marine Ecology Progress Series 729, 135-150. DOI: 10.3354/meps14490
- Chiu, G.S., Mitchell, M., Herman, J., Longo, C.*, Davis, K.* (2023). “Enhancing assessments of blue carbon stocks in marsh soils using Bayesian mixed-effects modeling with spatial autocorrelation — proof of concept using proxy data,” Frontiers in Marine Science 9:1056404. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1056404
- Hyman, A.C.*, Chiu, G.S., Fabrizio, M.C., Lipcius, R.N. (2022). “Spatiotemporal modeling of nursery habitat using Bayesian inference: environmental drivers of juvenile blue crab abundance,” Frontiers in Marine Science 9:834990. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.834990
Wasson, A.P., Chiu, G.S., Zwart, A.B., Binns, T.R.* (2017). “Differentiating wheat genotypes by Bayesian hierarchical nonlinear mixed modeling of wheat root density,” Frontiers in Plant Science 8:282. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00282
Chiu, G.S., Lehmann, E.A., Bowden, J.C. (2013). “A spatial modeling approach for the blending and error characterization of remotely sensed soil moisture products.” Journal of Environmental Statistics 4:9, 1–17. ISSN: 1945-1296. http://www.jenvstat.org/v04/i09
Chiu, G.S., Wu, M.A.*, Lu, L. (2013). “Model-based assessment of estuary ecosystem health using the latent health factor index, with application to the Richibucto estuary,” PLoS One 8:6, e65697, 1–12. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065697
Chiu, G.S., Westveld, A.H. (2011). “A unifying approach for food webs, phylogeny, social
networks, and statistics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108, 15881–15886. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1015359108 -
Chiu, G.S., Gould, J.M.* (2009–2010). “Statistical inference for food webs with emphasis on ecological networks via Bayesian melding,” Environmetrics 21, 728–740. DOI: 10.1002/env.1035
Chiu, G., Lockhart, R., Routledge, R. (2006). “Bent-cable regression theory and applications,” Journal of the American Statistical Association 101, 542–553. DOI:
Research Students and Interns
- Mahshid AHMADIAN, PhD student (current), Virginia Commonwealth University
- Madison GRIFFIN, MS By-pass student (current), VIMS
- Julie GROSS, PhD Student (current), VIMS
- Challen HYMAN, PhD in Marine Science (2023), VIMS
- Kate DAVIS, Undergraduate RA (2022), VIMS ESTDatS Lab
- Swen KUH,
PhD in Statistics (2022), Australian National Unversity - Christian LONGO, Honors in Applied Statistics (2022), William & Mary Computational & Applied Mathematics & Statistics (CAMS)
- Caleb BAKER, Honors in Applied Statistics (2021), William & Mary CAMS
- Kayla RUTHERFORD, REU Summer Internship (2019), VIMS
- Mark DAWKINS, Honours in Statistics (2017), Australian National Unversity
- Megan
EVANS ,PhD in Environmental Policy (2017), Australian National Unversity - Timothy BINNS, Summer Vacation Internship (2014–2015), CSIRO
- Swen KUH, Summer Research Internship (2014–2015), Australian National Unversity
- Seoyoon CHO, Industrial Research Traineeship (2014), CSIRO
- Hyangki LEE, Industrial Research Traineeship (2014), CSIRO
- Shahedul KHAN,
PhD (2010) in Biostatistics, University of Waterloo - Margaret WU, MMath (2009) in Biostatistics, University of Waterloo
- Joshua GOULD, MMath (2008) in Statistics, University of Waterloo
- Joslin GOH, Undergraduate Research Internship (2007) and International Work Study Program (2007), University of Waterloo
Professional Affiliations
- Affiliate Faculty, William & Mary CAMS
- Affiliate Professor, Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Adjunct Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Founding Member (2008–2009), UW Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change
- Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle
- Associate Editor, Environmetrics (official journal of TIES)
- Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association
- Member, American Statistical Association (ASA)
- 2012 Young Investigator Awardee, ASA Section on Statistics and the Environment
- Elected Member (2011), International Statistical Institute (ISI)
- Member, The International Environmetrics Society (TIES)
- Webmaster (2006–2013)
- Member, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
- 2021 Program Chair (elected) for EnviBayes Section
- Member, Statistical Society of Canada (SSC)
- 2003 Pierre Robillard Awardee for best Ph.D. thesis from 2002
- Member, Statistical Society of Australia (SSA)
- Mentor, William & Mary Women's Mentoring
- Founding Committee Member, Virgina Women in High Performance Computing