Bemis, Katherine Elliot Affiliated Scholar Email:;
Phone: (607) 279-6474
Office: Onsite: 117 Fisheries Science Lab; Offsite: WG-19 National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Section: Natural Resources
Research Interests: Marine fishes, systematics, natural history, fisheries science
Bolser, Derek Affiliated Scholar Email:
Phone: (240) 628-4451
Office: Nunnally Hall
Section: Natural Resources
Research Interests: Fishery-Independent Surveys, Fisheries Ecology, Fisheries Acoustics, Fish Growth
Brill, Richard Affiliated Scholar Email: [[v|rbrill]]
Phone: 804-684-7875
Office: Andrews Hall 102
Section: Natural Resources
Research Interests: Physiological ecology, sensory biology, and bioenergetics of fishes
Cerco, Carl Affiliated Scholar Email:
Phone: (769) 230-5543
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Research Interests: Estuarine modeling, water quality, hydrodynamics
Cohn, Nick Affiliated Scholar Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Collette, Bruce Affiliated Scholar Section: Natural Resources
Munroe, Thomas Affiliated Scholar Section: Natural Resources
Oliver, Jacques Affiliated Scholar Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Priest, George R. Affiliated Scholar Section: Ecosystem Health/Center for Coastal Resources Management
Vecchione, Michael Affiliated Scholar Email: [[v|vecchiom]]
Phone: (804) 684-7773
Office: Andrews Hall 131
Section: Natural Resources
Research Interests: Systematics, development, and life history of cephalopods; Biodiversity of deep-sea nekton; Distribution of pelagic gastropods; Deep water-column ecology