Michael Vecchione homepage

Michael Vecchione

Affiliated Scholar

Email: [[v|vecchiom]]
Phone: (804) 684-7773
Office: Andrews Hall 131
Section: Natural Resources
Research Interests: Systematics, development, and life history of cephalopods; Biodiversity of deep-sea nekton; Distribution of pelagic gastropods; Deep water-column ecology


Title: Zoologist/Senior Scientist

Home Institution: NOAA/NMFS National Systematics Laboratory National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20013-7012


Additional Contact Information:

  • phone: (202) 633-1751
  • e-mail: vecchiom@si.edu or vecchionem@si.edu, also michael.vecchione@noaa.gov, vecchiom@vims.edu, mxvecc@wm.edu