2015 CHSD Presentations

(*presenter, **invited presenter)

8 Dec 2015, Workshop on Burial and Mobility Modeling of Munitions in the Underwater Environment, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD. C.T. Friedrichs**. "Simple parameterized models for predicting mobility, burial, and re-exposure of underwater munitions". pdf

8-12 Nov 2015. 23rd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland, OR. C.T. Friedrichs*, G.M. Cartwright, P.J. Dickhudt, K.A. Fall, L.M. Kraatz. "Controls on suspended particle properties and water clarity along a partially-mixed estuary, York River, Virginia".

8-9 Oct 2015, Virginia Institute of Marine Science 75th Anniversary Alumni Research Symposium, Gloucester Point, VA. G.M. Cartwright*, C.T. Friedrichs, L.P. Sanford, S.J. Smith. "Added value of combining multiple optical and acoustic instruments when characterizing fine-grained estuarine suspensions". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/31/

24 Sep 2015, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Department of Physical Sciences, Fall Seminar Series, Gloucester Point, VA. C.T. Friedrichs**. "Tidal flat morphodynamics: a synthesis". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/76/

7-11 Sep 2015, 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH), Leuven, Belgium. G.M. Cartwright*, K.A. Fall, C.T. Friedrichs. "Identification of suspended resilient pellets in particles tracked by a Particle Image Camera System (PICS) in a muddy estuary". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/77/

7-11 Sep 2015, 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH), Leuven, Belgium. K.A. Fall*, C.T. Friedrichs, G.M. Cartwright, D.G. Bowers. "Controls on suspended particle properties and water clarity along a partially-mixed estuary, York River, Virginia, USA". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/78/

7-11 Sep 2015, 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH), Leuven, Belgium. C.T. Friedrichs*, G.M. Cartwright, P.J. Dickhudt, K.A. Fall, L.M. Kraatz. "Controls on bed erodibility in a muddy, partially-mixed estuary: York River, Virginia, USA". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/79/

31 Aug 2015, 9th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Iquitos, Peru. Keynote Presentation. C.T. Friedrichs**. "Tidal flat morphodynamics: a synthesis". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/80/

30-31 Jul 2015, U.S. IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed Annual Principal Investigator and Partner Meeting, Washington, DC. M. Friedrichs**, M., C. Friedrichs*, I. Irby*, A. Bever, M. Scully. "COMT Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia Modeling". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/81/

23-24 Jun 2015, 2nd Marine Ecosystem Analysis and Prediction Task Team (MEAP-TT) Workshop, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. I.D. Irby, M.A.M. Friedrichs, C.T. Friedrichs*, and the COMT Estuarine Hypoxia Team. "Challenges associated with operational modeling of low-oxygen waters in Chesapeake Bay: results from a multiple modeling effort". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/82/

26-28 May 2015, Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, 2015 Annual Meeting: Models Meet Data, Data Meet Models. Boulder, CO. D. Tarpley*, C. Harris, C. Friedrichs, K. Fall. "Including fine-grained sediment processes within numerical representations of a partially-mixed estuary, the York River, Virginia". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/83/

7 May 2015, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program/Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (SERDP/ESTCP) Webinar Series, https://www.serdp-estcp.org. C. Friedrichs**. "Factors affecting munitions mobility underwater". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/84/

14-16 Apr 2015, 6th NOAA Testbeds & Proving Grounds Workshop, Boulder, CO. M. Friedrichs, L. Lanerolle*, C. Friedrichs, R. Hood, M. Scully. "The estuarine hypoxia component of the Coastal Ocean Modeling Testbed: providing environmental intelligence to decision-makers in the Chesapeake Bay region". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/85/

14-16 Apr 2015, 6th NOAA Testbeds & Proving Grounds Workshop, Boulder, CO. Irby, M.A.M. Friedrichs, C.T. Friedrichs*, and the COMT Estuarine Hypoxia Team. "Skill assessment of multiple hydrodynamic-dissolved oxygen models in Chesapeake Bay". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/86/

17 Feb 2015, Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory Seminar, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. G.M. Cartwright**, K.A. Fall, C.T. Friedrichs, D. Tarpley. "Introduction to the Research Capabilities of the VIMS Coastal Hydrodynamics & Sediment Dynamics (CHSD) Lab". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/87/

17 Feb 2015, Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory Seminar, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. K.A. Fall**, C.T. Friedrichs, G.M. Cartwright. "Controls on suspended particle properties and water clarity along a partially-mixed estuary, York River Estuary, Virginia". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/88/

17 Feb 2015, Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory Seminar, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. C.T. Friedrichs**, G.M. Cartwright, K.A. Fall, R. Diaz, P. Dickhudt, L. Kraatz, L. Sanford, L. Schaffner. "What controls bed erodibility in muddy estuaries? Insights from the York River, Virginia". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/89/

29 Jan 2015, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Department of Physical Sciences, Spring Seminar Series, Gloucester Point, VA. K.A. Fall**, C.T. Friedrichs, G.M. Cartwright, D.G. Bowers. "Controls on suspended particle properties and water clarity in the York River estuary, Virginia". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/90/

29 Jan 2015, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Department of Physical Sciences, Spring Seminar Series, Gloucester Point, VA. C.T. Friedrichs**, G.M. Cartwright, R. Diaz, P.J. Dickhudt, K.A. Fall, L.M. Kraatz, L. Sanford, L. Schaffner. "Controls on bed erodibility in the York River estuary". https://scholarworks.wm.edu/presentations/91/