2010 CHSD Presentations

Invited papers and talks presented by C. Friedrichs

Oct 21, 2010, "Tidal Morphodynamics With Application to San Francisco Bay", Fall Seminar Series, Department of Physical Sciences, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Oct 16, 2010, "5-year plan for couplings between physical, biological and human processes in environments with complex 3D flows ", Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Meeting 2010: Modeling for Environmental Change, San Antonio, TX.

Oct 14, 2010, "Application of CSDMS to Chesapeake Bay Models", Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Meeting 2010: Modeling for Environmental Change, San Antonio, TX.

Oct 1, 2010, "Workshop Goals and Updates on Hydrodynamic and Hypoxia Modeling", SURA Estuarine Hypoxia Team Meeting, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Aug 23, 2010, "Physical Sciences Department Programs and Research", School of Marine Science Graduate Student Orientation, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Jul 13, 2010, "Estuarine Hypoxia Component of the SURA Super-Regional Modeling Testbed", EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Modeling Subcommittee Quarterly Meeting, Annapolis, MD.

Jun 24, 2010, "Estuarine Hypoxia Work Summary", SURA Planning Meeting for Super-Regional Testbed to Improve Models of Environmental Processes on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Coasts, Washington, DC.

Jun 23, 2010, "Estuarine Hypoxia Component of the Super Regional Testbed", SURA Planning Meeting for Super-Regional Testbed to Improve Models of Environmental Processes on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Coasts, Washington, DC.

Jun 9, 2010, "MUDBED: MUlti-Disciplinary Benthic Exchange Dynamics", VIMS Summer Intern Program Seminar Series, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

May 26, 2010, "Tidal flat morphodynamics". Symposium on Prospects and Case Studies in Long-Term Morphodynamic Modeling. UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands. 

Other scholarly presentations authored or co-authored by Friedrichs

Bearman, J.A., C.T. Friedrichs, B.E. Jaffe, and A.C. Foxgrover, 2010. Spatial and temporal trends in tidal flat shape and associated environmental parameters in South San Francisco Bay between the 1980s and 2005. Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas, 15th International Biennial Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 14-17 September.

Bland, L., M. Friedrichs, and C. Friedrichs, 2010. Studying and comparing Chesapeake Bay 3-D hydrodynamic models. VIMS REU/Summer Intern Program Final Presentation, Gloucester Point, VA, 4 August.

Friedrichs, C.T., and J.A. Bearman, 2010. Tidal flat morphodynamics. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, 22-26 February.

Friedrichs, C., J. Brubaker, P. Panetta, G. Cartwright, L. Kraatz, and K. Fall, 2010. The CHSD Lab. Marine Science Day poster, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, 22 May.

Friedrichs, C.T., M.A.M. Friedrichs, R.R. Hood, S.D. Peckham, and K.G. Sellner, 2010. The Chesapeake Focus Research Group (FRG) of the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS): A pathway to community operation of a multi-model ecological forecasting test bed. Chesapeake Modeling Symposium, Annapolis, MD, 10-12 May.

Friedrichs, C.T., and the SURA Modeling Testbed Estuarine Hypoxia Team, 2010. Chesapeake Bay hydrodynamic and hypoxia model intercomparison: initial results. Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Meeting 2010: Modeling for Environmental Change, San Antonio, TX, 14-17 October.

Harris, C,K., C.T. Friedrichs, and J.P. Rinehimer, 2010. Sediment trapping and effective settling velocity in a partially mixed estuary: a modeling study of the York River, Virginia. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, 22-26 February.

Ma, Y., C.T. Friedrichs, C.K. Harris, and L.D. Wright, 2010. Deposition by seasonal wave- and current-supported sediment gravity flows interacting with spatially varying bathymetry: Waiapu shelf, New Zealand. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, 22-26 February.

Schaffner, L.C., C. Friedrichs, D. Gillet, and R. Diaz, 2010. The benthic ‘filter’ modulates effects of eutrophicaion on zoobenthos and benthic-pelagic coupling. EUTRO2010 Meeting, Nyborg, Denmark, 16 June.