2003 CHSD Presentations

Brasseur, L.H., C.T. Friedrichs, and S.E. Suttles, 2003. Eddy diffusivity and bottom stress estimated from acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) backscatter measurements. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September. 

Briggs, K.B., P. Elmore, C.T. Friedrichs, P. Traykovski, M.D. Richardson, and G.R. Bower, 2003. Predicting mine burial at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory. ONR Mine Burial Prediction 3rd Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, 28-29 January.

Elmore, P.A., C.T. Friedrichs, M.D. Richardson, P.A. Traykovski, and K.B. Briggs, 2003. Comparison of Wallingford (DRAMBUIE) scour predictions with measurements. ONR Mine Burial Prediction 3rd Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, 28-29 January. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Introduction to coastal sediment dynamics and hydrodynamics research at VIMS. Geology 404: Introduction to Geologic Research, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 20 January.

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Tidal salt marsh morphodynamics. Spring Seminar Series, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 27 February. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. VIMS year 1 TIDE plans. NSF Trophic Cascades and Interacting Control Processes in a Detritus-Based Ecosystem Year 1 Annual Meeting, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, 4 April. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Tidal marsh morphodynamics: Feedbacks among vegetation, hydrodynamics and sedimentation. Ray Krone Commemorative Lecture Series, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 7 April. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Tidal marsh morphodynamics: Feedbacks among vegetation, hydrodynamics and sedimentation. Spring Seminar Series, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE, 15 April. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. My NSF CAREER Award Experience. On the Cutting Edge Early Career Faculty Workshop, Sponsored by NAGT/DLESE, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 5-10 June. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Introduction to marine turbulence and turbulence closure. Estuarine and Coastal Fluid Dynamics Summer School, Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, WA, 17 July.

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Example applications of turbulence closure in coastal and estuarine environments. Estuarine and Coastal Fluid Dynamics Summer School, Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, WA, 17 July.

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Barotropic estuarine tides. Estuarine and Coastal Fluid Dynamics Summer School, Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, WA, 18 July.

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Tides in river valley estuaries. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September. 

Friedrichs, C.T., 2003. Estuarine sediment transport and sedimentation. Geology 201: Seidmentology and Stratigraphy, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 7 November.

Friedrichs, C.T., L.E. LeMay, E.K. Hinchey, H.M. Romine, L.P. Sanford, E.W. North, 2003. Seabed conditions in the estuarine turbidity maximum region of the Chesapeake Bay. 7th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, 1-4 October.

Friedrichs, C.T., and A.C. Trembanis, 2003. Forecasting scour related mine burial using a parameterized model. ONR Mine Burial Prediction 3rd Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, 28-29 January. 

Friedrichs, C.T., and L.D. Wright, 2003. Analytical model for equilibrium shelf profiles near river mouths. ONR Po and Apennine Sediment Transport Array (PASTA) Meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 25-26 July.

Friedrichs, C.T., and L.D. Wright, 2003. Equilibrium subaqueous deltas associated with gravity driven sediment transport near river mouths. ONR EuroSTRATAFORM Annual Meeting, Aix-en-Provence, France, 26-29 October.

Friedrichs, C.T., and L.D. Wright, 2003. Equilibrium clinoforms associated with gravity driven sediment transport near river mouths. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 2-5 November. 

Friedrichs, C.T., and L.D. Wright, 2003. Gravity-driven sediment transport on the continental shelf: implications for equilibrium profiles near river mouths. 2003 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 8-12 December. 

Friedrichs, C.T., L.D. Wright, and M.E. Scully, 2003. Sediment gravity flows supported by ambient waves and currents: a new mechanism for shelf progradation and equilibrium shelf geometry. Fall Seminar Series, Department of Physical Sciences, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, 28 August.

Friedrichs, C.T., L.D. Wright, and M.E. Scully, 2003. Sediment gravity flows supported by ambient waves and currents: a new mechanism for shelf progradation and equilibrium shelf geometry. Fall Seminar Series, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, 29 August.

Fugate, D.C., C.T. Friedrichs, I.C. Anderson, K.J. McGlathery, and A. Bilgili, 2003. Estimation of residence time in a shallow back barrier lagoon: Hog Island Bay, VA USA. 2003 Long Term Ecological Research Network All Scientists Meeting, Seattle, WA, 18-21 September. 

Fugate, D.C., C.T. Friedrichs, G.M. Battisto, and L.P. Sanford, 2003. The role of lateral shoals in sediment transport processes in the ETM region of the Chesapeake Bay. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September. 

Fugate, D.C., C.T. Friedrichs, and L.P. Sanford, 2003. Atypical bottom shear stress asymmetry in a parttially stratified estuary. Mid-Atlantic Bight Physical Oceanography and Meteorology Meeting, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA, 16-17 October. 

Herman, J.D., C.T. Friedrichs, and C.H. Hershner, 2003. Use of long-term monitoring data to estimate sediment loads and the importance of tidal pumping in a microtidal estuary. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September. 

Kim, S.-C., C.T. Friedrichs, J. P.-Y. Maa, and L.D. Wright, 2003. Suspended sediment-induced stratification effect on bottom boundary layer structure of a tidal estuary - York River. 7th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, 1-4 October.

Lee, M., 2003. Factors affecting sedimentation rates of a tidally influenced salt marsh in Plum Island Sound, MA. Senior Thesis Research Proprosal Presentation. Geology Department, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 21 April. 

Richardson, M.D., G.R. Bower, K.B. Briggs, P.A. Elmore, C.S. Kennedy, P.J. Valent, D.F. Naar, S.D. Locker, P. Howd, A.C. Hine, B.T. Donahue, J. Brodersen, T.F. Wever, R. Luehder, C.T. Friedrichs, A.C. Trembanis, S. Griffin, J. Bradley, and R.H. Wilkens, 2003. Mine burial by scour: Preliminary results from the Gulf of Mexico. Oceans 2003 Marine Technology and Ocean Science Conference, San Diego, CA, 22-26 September. 

Romine, H.M., C.T. Friedrichs and S.A. Kuehl, 2003. Documenting the suspended and bottom sediment dynamics of a two estuarine turbidity maximum system using 7Be and 234Th. SC-SE GSA Joint Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, 12-14 March. 

Romine, H.M., S.A. Kuehl, and C.T. Friedrichs, 2003. Documenting the suspended and bottom sediment dynamics of a two estuarine turbidity maximum system using 7Be and 234Th. 7th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, 1-4 October.

Romine, H.M., S.A. Kuehl, and C.T. Friedrichs, 2003. Documenting the suspended and bottom sediment dynamics of a two estuarine turbidity maximum system using 7Be and 234Th. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September. 

Roper, R., 2003. Reexamining the relationship of Beryllium-7 adsorption to grain size. Senior Thesis Presentation. Geology Department, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 21 April. 

Sanford, L.P., P.J. Dickhudt, L. Rubaiano-Gomez, M. Yates, S.E. Suttles, C.T. Friedrichs, D.C. Fugate and H. Romine, 2003. Variability of suspended particle concentrations, sizes and settling velocities in the Chesapeake Bay turbidity maximum. Workshop on Flocculation in Natural and Engineered Systems, September.

Sanford, L.P., and C.T. Friedrichs, 2003. Particle dynamics in estuaries: a review. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September.

Schuttelaars, H.M., C.T. Friedrichs, and H.E. de Swart, 2003. Formation of estuarine turbidity maxima in partially mixed estuaries. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September. 

Scully, M.E., and C.T. Friedrichs, 2003. The role of density stratification on estuarine turbulence, sediment transport and hydrodynamics. ECI 264B: Transport, Mixing and Water Quality in Estuaries and Wetlands, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 7 April.

Scully, M.E., and C.T. Friedrichs, 2003. Observations of suspended sediment-induced stratification in a partially mixed estuary. 7th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, 1-4 October.

Scully, M.E., and C.T. Friedrichs, 2003. Observations of suspended sediment-induced stratification in a partially mixed estuary. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September.

Trembanis, A., C. Friedrichs, M. Richardson, P. Elmore, P. Traykovski, and P. Howd, 2003. MBP forecasting efforts using a parameterized scour model. ONR MBP MVCO Planning Meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 30 June.

Wright, L.D., 2003. Shoreface and inner shelf sediment dynamics: storms, rivers, gravity and complexity. Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences Seminar Series, Duke University, Durham, NC, 28 March.

Yang, S.Y., C.T. Friedrichs, P.X. Ding, J. Zhu, Q.Y. Zhao, 2003. Morphological response of tidal marshes, flats and channels of the outer Yangtze River mouth to a major storm. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA, 14-18 September.