Molluscan Ecology Archive

Programs included in the archives are dormant programs that have had no dedicated funds for at least the past five years. In some cases, these programs have been superseded by other programs (i.e. VOSARA) that can be found on our main page. Please contact Roger Mann or Melissa Southworth directly if interested in learning more about any of our archived programs.  

Cownose Ray - (Rhinoptera bonasus)
Archaeology and Oysters

Oysters and the reefs that they created were central to the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay prior to the early 20th century. Link

 Hard Clams
Stock Assessment

In 1995, the Virginia Marine Resources Commission Shellfish Replenishment program and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Molluscan Ecology program conducted an intensive hard clam stock assessment in the lower James River occupying over 3000 stations.  This survey was the first comprehensive hard clam stock assessment in Virginia in almost 20 years.  Using the protocols established in 1995, similar surveys were conducted in 2001 and 2002 covering regions in the James, York, Back, and Poquoson Rivers as well as Mobjack Bay and areas off Ocean View.  The data sets generated by these intensive efforts were used to support resource management as well as basic descriptive research. While these data are useful for historical reference, the wild fishery in VA has been in decline over the past several decades.

Links to Testimony for Various Agencies