
Our laboratory is located on the first floor of Andrews Hall (107), and is in close proximity to the York River.

We have a variety of equipment for benthic field and laboratory research:

  • dissecting microscopes and compound microscopes
  • drying and ashing ovens for biomass quantification
  • outdoor and indoor wet-lab facilities that range from 20-gallon tanks to 3m x 4m x 1m mesocosm tanks for laboratory experiments
  • benthic sampling gear including a small box core, sediment corers, and a suction sampler.

The lab is equipped with fume hoods and extensive laboratory bench space. We also have assorted dive gear including wet suits and dry suits and equipment for snorkeling and SCUBA diving.

In addition to the facilities in our laboratory, we also have access to equipment from the Department of Biological Sciences at VIMS. We have an excellent Vessels Center that facilitates field work within Chesapeake Bay and nearby locations. The VIMS IT Department meets the Institute's technology needs, and licensed software and a computer users’ room is available. The Hargis Library at VIMS houses thousands of books and hundreds of journals and allows access to numerous online resources.