
Climate Change

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) conducts scientific research on issues related to climate change. The  Initiative for Coastal Climate Change Research (IC3R) at VIMS was created to encourage collaboration, serve as a central source of knowledge, and recommend responses to sea-level rise and other climate-change impacts.

To support clean energy, several of our members have joined the Campus Climate Challenge.  We use their resources in helping us procure funding and developing policy.  As of Summer 2006, 269 other US universities were part of this program.


The Bridge is an online collection of marine education resources.  It provides educators with a convenient source of accurate and useful information on global, national, and regional marine science topics, and gives researchers a contact point for educational outreach.

W&M Committee on Sustainability

The Committee on Sustainability (COS), formed in fall 2008 with the approval of President Taylor Reveley of the College of William and Mary, is charged with developing, planning, and recommending to the President strategies for implementing the College’s Sustainability Policy, and integrating sustainability into the life of the College. COS not only taps W&M’s intellectual capital, but also feeds into and benefits from its teaching, research, and service missions.


At William & Mary, the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) is a student advocacy organization that promotes environmental protection and sustainability.  Current campaigns include Campus Energy, Food Sustainability, Recycling, and Surry Justice.