Wang Home Page

Harry V. Wang


Email: [[v|wang]]
Phone: (804) 684-7215
Office: Andrews Hall 239
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: 3-D numerical modeling, hydrodynamics of estuaries; physical oceanography.

  • B.A., National Taiwan University
  • M.S., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University
Research Interests

My main research interests are in coastal and estuarine physical processes and the consequence of their transport properties; in particular, the transports driven by wind, wave, tide, density and affected by the Coriolis force and turbulent mixing. My recent works emphasize the use of numerical computational methods to simulate the current, water level, salinity, temperature as well as their coupled environmental conditions such as water quality, sediment and larval transport. My future goal is to make use of computer models as primary tools to integrate interdisciplinary research.

Current Projects
  • Water quality modeling in the Baltimore Harbor, Back River and the Upper Chesapeake Bay
  • Toxic and sediment modeling in Baltimore Harbor and the adjacent Upper Chesapeake Bay
  • Watershed and water quality modeling in the Upper Western Shore of Maryland
  • Predicting the distribution of sea nettles in the Chesapeake Bay
  • Integrated modeling approach for TMDL development of Virginia small coastal basin with fecal coliform impairment
  • Craney Island eastward expansion project
Selected Publications
  • Xun Cai, Yinglong J Zhang, Jian Shen, Harry Wang, Zhengui Wang, Qubin Qin, Fei Ye (2022): “A numerical study of hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay using an unstructured grid model: validation and sensitivity to bathymetry representation” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58 (6): 898–921,

  • Xun Cai , Jian Shen , Yinglong J. Zhang , Qubin Qin , Zhengui Wang, and Harry Wang (2021):” Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Hypoxia and Phytoplankton Production in Chesapeake Bay: Model Prediction and Assessment. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58 (6):922-939,

  • Harry V. Wang (2021):” The Near- and Far-field Evaluation for the Discharge from Back River Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent to the Sparrows Point in Baltimore Harbor”  Final report, submitted to City of Baltimore and Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP.  46 pp. 

  • Zhang, Yinglong, Fei Ye, Haocheng Yu, Weiling Sun, Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Karinna Nunez, Ruoyin Zhang, Harry Wang, Aron Roland, Jaibi Du and Zhuo Liu (2020):” Simulating compound flooding events in a hurricane” Ocean Dynamics, 70:621-640

  • Zhuo Liu, Harry Wang, Y. Joseph Zhang, Linus Magnusson, J. Derek Loftis, David Forrest (2020):”Cross-scale modeling of storm surge, tide, and inundation in Mid-Atlantic Bight and New York City during Hurricane Sandy, 2012”, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 233, 106544.
  • Ye, F., Zhang, Y.J., Yu, H., Sun, W., Moghimi, S., Myers, E., Nunez, K., Zhang, R., Wang, H.V., Roland, A. and Martins, K., (2019): “Simulating storm surge and compound flooding events with a creek-to-Ocean model: Importance of baroclinic effects”. Ocean Modelling, 145, p.101526.
  • Loftis, J.D., Mitchell, M., Schatt, D., Forrest, D.R., Wang, H.V., Mayfield, D., and Stiles, W.A. (2019): “Validating an Operational Flood Forecast Model Using Citizen Science in Hampton Roads, VA, USA”.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 7, 242. URL
  • Zhengui Wang, Harry Wang, Jian Shen, Fei Ye, Yinglong Zhang, Fei Chai, Zhuo Liu, Jiabi Du (2019): ”A conceptual phytoplankton model and its application in the tidal freshwater James RiverEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 224, p 228-244.
  • Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Harry V. Wang, Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs, I. D. Irby, Eli Alteljevich, A. Valle-Levinson, Zhengui Wang, Hai Huang, Jian Shen and Jiabi Du (2018): “A 3D unstructured-grid model for the Chesapeake Bay: importance of bathymetry” Ocean Modeling, doi:10.1016/j.ocemodel.2018.05.002
  • Jiabi Du, Jian Shen, Yinglong J Zhang, Fei Ye, Zhuo Liu, Zhengui Wang, Ya Ping Wang, Xin Yu, Mac Sisson, Harry V Wang (2018): “Tidal response to sea‐level rise in different types of estuaries: the importance of length, bathymetry, and geometry”  Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 45.
  • Zhuo Liu, Joseph Zhang, Harry Wang, Hai Huang, Zhengui Wang, Fei Ye and Mac Sisson (2018):  “Impact of small-scale structures on estuarine circulation” Ocean Dynamics 
  • Yu Hao-Cheng, Zhang Yinglong J., Yu Jason C.S, Terng C., Sun Weiling, Ye Fei, Harry V, Wang Zhengui , Huang Hai (2017):” Simulating multi-scale oceanic processes around Taiwan on unstructured grids”. Ocean Modelling 119, p72–93
  • Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Harry V. Wang, Hai Huang, Zhengui Wang, Zhuo Liu and Xiaonan Li  (2017): “Cross-Scale Baroclinic Simulation of the Effect of Channel Dredging in an Estuarine Setting”  Water 2017, 10(2), 163; doi:10.3390/w10020163
  • Ping Wang, L. Linker, Harry Wang, G. Bhatt, G. Yactayo, K. Hinson, and Richard Tian (2017): “Assessing Water Quality of the Chesapeake Bay by the Impact of Sea Level Rise and Warming” The 3rd International conference on Water Resources and Environment (WRE2017), Qingdao, China, 26-29 June 2017.  IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 82, 012001, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/82/1/012001.
  • Ye, F., Zhang Y., Friedrichs, M.A.M, Wang, H.V., Irby, I, and Wang, Z.G. (2016) A 3D, cross-scale, baroclinic model with implicit vertical transport for the Upper Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Ocean Modeling, DOI:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.10.004 
  • Wang, Ping, Harry V. Wang, Lewis Linker, and Richard Tian (2016): “Effects of cross-channel bathymetry and wind direction on destratification and hypoxia reduction in the Chesapeake Bay”,  Esturaine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, Vol. 78, p 168-188.  
  • Wang, Harry, J.D. Loftis, D. Forrest, W. Smith, and B. Stamey (2015):”Modeling storm surge and inundation in Washington, DC, during Hurricane Isabel and the 1936 Potomac River Great Flood” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol.3, 607-629doi:10.3390/jmse3030607.
  • Loftis J.D., Wang, H.V., DeYoung, R.J., and Ball, W.B. (2015): "Using Lidar Elevation Data to Develop a Topo-bathymertric Elevation Model for Sub-Grid Inundation Modeling at Langley Research Center." Journal of Coastal Research, Special IssueNumber 76, p1-15, DOI: 10.2112/SI76-002.1.
  • Loftis, J.D.,Wang, H.V., Hamilton, S.E., and Forrest, D.R. (2014):  “Combination of Lidar Elevations, Bathymetric Data, and Urban Infrastructure in a Sub-Grid Model for Predicting Inundation in New York City during Hurricane Sandy”.  Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. (in review) PDF
  • Loftis, J.D.,Wang, H.V., DeYoung, R.J., and Ball, W.B. (2014): “Integrating Lidar Data into a High-Resolution Topo-bathymetric  DEM for Use with Sub-Grid Inundation Modeling at  Langley Research Center”. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue. (In Review) PDF
  • Wang, Harry V.,  J. D. Loftis,  Zhuo Liu,  David Forrest, Joseph Zhang (2014): “The storm surge and sub-grid inundation modeling in New York City during Hurricane Sandy”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, p 226-246, doi:10.3390/jmse201062.
  • Roland, Aron, Yinglong. Zhang, Harry. V. Wang, Yanqiu Meng, Yi-cheng Teng, Vladimir Maderichd, Igor Brovchenkod, Mathieu Dutour-Sikirice and Ulrich Zankea (2012): “A fully coupled 3D wave-current interaction model on unstructured grids". JGR – Oceans, Vol. 117, C00J33, doi:10.1029/2012JC007952
  • Kyoung-Ho Cho, Harry Wang, Jian Shen, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson and Yi-cheng Teng (2012): “A modeling study on the response of the Chesapeake Bay to Hurricane Events of Floyd and Isabel” Ocean Modeling, 
  • Gao, Jian-hua, J. Li, H.V. Wang, F.  Bai, Y. Cheng, and Y. P. Wang (2012): ”Rapid changes of sediment dynamic processes in Yalu River Estuary under anthropogenic impacts”, International Journal of Sediment Research,  Vol. 27, No. 1, p37-49.   
  • Wu, Hui, Jianrong Zhu, Jian Shen and Harry Wang (2011): “Tidal modulation on the Changjiang River Plume in Summer”.   J. of Geophysical Res.  116, C08017, doi:10.1029/2011JC007209
  • Fei Xing, Ya Ping Wang, Harry V. Wang (2011):  “Tidal hydrodynamics and fine-grained sediment transport over the radial sand ridge, southern Yellow Sea”, Marine Geology, MARGO-04673, June, 2011.
  • Walberg Eric J, Benjamin McFarlane, and Harry Wang (2010): “Response to sea level rise in coastal communities: a Virginia case study”,   ASCE monograph: Sea Level Rise and Coastal Infrastructure: Prediction, Risks, and Solutions, Edited by Bilal M. Ayyub and Michael S. Kearney.
Current Students

No current students.

Past Students
  • Yuepeng Li, Ph.D.
  • Momo Chen, M.S. degree
  • Hui Liu, M.S. degree
  • Jeong Hwan Oh, Ph.D.
  • Kyoung-Ho Cho, Ph.D.
  • Taiping Wang, Ph.D.
  • Tao Shen, Master degree
  • Jie Gao, Master degree
  • Yi-Cheng Teng, Ph.D.
  • Derek Loftis, Ph.D.  
  • Zhengui Wang, Ph.D.
  • Fei Ye, Ph.D.
  • Zhuo Liu, Ph.D. 
Courses Taught/Teaching
  • MS554 Principle of Numerical Computing
  • MS613 Ocean Dynamics
  • MS612 Estuarine Hydrodynamic I, and MS613 Estuarine Hydrodynamic II
  • MS615 Hydrodynamics Modeling of Estuarine and Coastal Waters
  • MS617 Water Quality Models
Professional Memberships
  • Member of American Geophysical Union
  • Member of American Society of Civil Engineering
Collaborative/Interdisciplinary Efforts
  • Integrated modeling approach for TMDL development of Virginia small coastal basin with fecal coliform impairment (collaborated with Dr. Carl H. Hershner, Center for Coastal Resources Management).
  • Fisheries Habitat: Spatial Dynamics and the Protection of Critical Habitats to Conserve Spawning Stock and Recruitment in Exploited Marine Species with Complex Life Cycles (collaborate with Dr. Romuald N. Lipcius, Department of Fisheries Science).