Fabrizio Home Page

Mary C. Fabrizio


Email: [[v|mfabrizio]]
Phone: (804) 684-7308
Office: Nunnally Hall 135
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Fish population dynamics, habitat, fish movement, fish ecology; fishery-independent surveys

  • B.S., Summa Cum Laude, Biological Sciences, 1978, Fordham University, New York, NY
  • Ph.D., Biological Oceanography, 1985, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Research Interests
  • Recruitment dynamics of Chesapeake Bay fishes (Particularly striped bass, summer flounder, American eel, and Atlantic croaker)
  • Spatial ecology of estuarine fishes
  • Sampling designs for fishery-independent surveys
Current Projects
  • Virginia trawl survey for juvenile fishes (with T. Tuckey)
  • Juvenile striped bass seine survey (with T. Tuckey)
  • Recruitment of American eel to Virginia tributaries
  • Physiological impacts of hypoxia on healthy and Mycobacterium-infected striped bass. Collaboration with D. Lapointe (St. Lawrence River Institute for Environmental Studies), W. K. Vogelbein (VIMS- Aquatic Animal Health Sciences), R. W. Brill (NOAA-Fisheries Service), and D. Gauthier (Old Dominion University-Biology Department).
  • Physiological effects of hypoxia and environmental contaminants on Atlantic croaker in the Chesapeake and coastal bays.  Collaboration with R. W. Brill (NOAA-Fisheries Service) and A. Johnson (University of Maryland-Eastern Shore).
  • Individual-based, dynamic-landscape models of marine fishes incorporating ecophysiological constraints.  B. Marcek dissertation research (NOAA-Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Fellowship) and collaboration with R. W. Brill (NOAA-Fisheries Service) and R. Humston (Washington and Lee University).
  • Recruitment dynamics of striped bass  in Chesapeake Bay. O. Phillips thesis research.
  • Invasive blue catfish in Chesapeake Bay tributaries. Multiple projects aimed at estimating abundance (using mark-recapture studies), reproduction, and salinity tolerance. V. Nepal dissertation research; and collaboration with T. Tuckey and R. Latour.
  • Gear calibration study for trawl and seine surveys.
Selected Publications
Current Students
  • Vaskar Nepal KC, Ph.D. Candidate
  • Olivia Phillips, M.S. Candidate
Former Students
Former Post-Docs
  • Dominique Lapointe, 2010-2013. Physiological impacts of hypoxia on healthy and diseased striped bass. Currently at St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. 
Student Awards
  • NMFS-Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Fellowship
    • Mark Henderson, 2009-2012
    • Benjamin Marcek, 2014-2017
  • Virginia Sea Grant Fellowship
    • Ryan Schloesser, 2012-2014
  • Hall-Bonner Fellowship
    • Branson Williams, 2006-2009
  • Robert D. Ross Graduate Scholarship (AFS Virginia Chapter)
    • Ryan Schloesser, 2011
  • Oceanside Conservation Corporation Research Scholarship
    • Karen Capossela, 2007 and 2008
    • Lauren Nys, 2012
  • Eastern Shore Laboratory Research Fund
    • Ryan Schloesser, 2011
    • Lauren Nys, 2011
  • Best Student Presentation, AFS Tidewater Chapter Meeting
    • Karen Capossela, 2009
    • Lauren Nys, 2014
  • AFS Marine Fisheries Section Travel Award
    • Justine Woodward, 2007
    • Karen Capossela, 2009
  • AFS Estuaries Section Travel Award
    • Justine Woodward, 2008
  • AFS Equal Opportunities Section Travel Award
    • Branson Williams, 2009
  • Student Travel Award, International Tagging Symposium
    • Mark Henderson, 2008
  • Reves Graduate Student International Travel Grant
    • Mark Henderson, 2009 
Courses Taught
  • MSCI 528 / 501 F Marine Fisheries Science (with J. Graves)
  • MSCI 669 Linear & Generalized Linear Models in Ecology
  • MSCI 698 Fisheries Data Management and Analysis (with C. Bonzek)
  • MSCI 698 Linear Modeling for Fish Ecologists
  • MSCI 698 Got Data? Now what? (Applications & Generalized Linear Models - from Data Collection to Publication)
  • Fellow, American Fisheries Society, 2015
  • O. E. Sette Award for Outstanding Marine Fisheries Biologist, American Fisheries Society, 2014
  • NOAA Bronze Medal Award, 2006
  • Distinguished Service Award, American Fisheries Society 1998
  • Most significant paper published in 1997 in the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society - August 1998 (Waldman et al. 1997)
  • James W. Moffett Award for outstanding scientific paper published in 1997, Great Lakes Science Center - August 1998 (Fabrizio, Adams, and Curtis 1997)
Professional Memberships
  • Board of Directors, Hudson River Foundation
  • American Fisheries Society (AFS)
    • President (2007-2008)
    • President AFS Marine Fisheries Section (2002-2004)
  • American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists - Fellow
  • The Biometric Society
  • Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
  • Phi Beta Kappa
Other Works of Interest
  • Rose, K. A., M. C. Fabrizio, and B. A. Phelan.  2012. Determining authorship: why is something that seems so simple so difficult?  Scientific Communication for Natural Resource Professionals, Cecil A. Jennings, Thomas E. Lauer, and Bruce Vondracek (Editors) AFS, Bethesda, MD.
  • Simmonds, R., and M. C. Fabrizio. 2006. Fisheries employment in the US Federal Government. Pages 79-96 in D. A. Hewitt,    W. E. Pine III, and A. V. Zale, eds.  The AFS Guide to Fisheries Employment, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.