VIMS researchers receive a prestigious national award for their efforts to help restore the Elizabeth River, a highly industrialized Chesapeake Bay that includes three "Superfund" sites.
VIMS researchers receive a prestigious national award for their efforts to help restore the Elizabeth River, a highly industrialized Chesapeake Bay that includes three "Superfund" sites.
Waterman Clarence "Juice" McKinney pulls a big surprise from the Potomac River—a male blue crab that spans almost a foot between the tips of its lateral spines.
VIMS professor collaborates with avian experts from around Chesapeake Bay to determine the exposure of osprey to a new class of flame-retardant compounds.
Facilities Director Joe Martinez reports progress as finfish aquaculture building, SAV greenhouse, sea turtle greenhouse, and seawater distribution system return to operation.
VIMS faculty help inaugurate a new scholarship program to increase the number of under-represented minority students earning Ph.D. degrees in marine and ocean sciences.
VIMS researchers present evidence that silica plays an unexpected role in the ocean's response to iron enrichment.