Graduate Program Ombuds

Faculty ombuds and student peer advisors are available to help graduate students resolve issues and address concerns that arise within the university setting.  Acting as an advocate for fairness, a member of the team can provide information about institutional policies and work to help you manage a conflict, understand the university system, and find productive ways of communicating. 

Examples of concerns brought to an ombuds include adjusting to graduate school, relationships with major professors, academic and funding difficulties, and other issues related to graduate education.

The School of Marine Science Ombuds are trained faculty volunteers.  Peer advisors are trained graduate student volunteers who can assist students by providing a peer's perspective and an additional avenue to ombuds resources. 

Consultations are kept confidential*, unless a student grants the ombuds permission to discuss issues with involved parties or administrators.

*The VIMS Ombuds functions as a team, and members may consult with one another as needed.  Members of the ombuds team are also obligated to report on some issues by W&M's Code of Ethics, university policies and laws. Read more...