GCA Coastal Wetlands Scholarship Award Recipients

Award Recipients in 2021

Brandon Quintana
Master’s Student, Biological Science, California State University, Fullerton

Study Title: Effects of Eelgrass Density on Filter Feeder Biomass and Condition Index in a Multi-habitat Living Shoreline

Study Summary: I work on a living shoreline project in Southern California. Unlike man-made infrastructure, living shorelines use natural resources to combat coastal degradation, restore habitats, and protect local communities. The goal of my thesis is to evaluate the health and potential filtration function of oysters and other bivalves recruiting to restored oyster beds in order to increase restoration benefits from living shorelines and inform their future management.

Brittany Paige Wilburn
PhD candidate in Environmental Science, Drexel University

Study Title: Biochar Stability and Carbon Sequestration Capacity Across a Salinity and Plant Community Gradient in New Jersey Tidal Marshes

Study Summary:  Biochar is a carbon-based soil amendment that may improve the health of wetland soils and help reduce the effects of global climate change. However, because the use of biochar is a newer method of wetland enhancement, this study will examine how long biochar can remain effective in coastal soils through the use of burial bags along the Tuckahoe River marsh in New Jersey. The results of this study will help inform future wetland restoration projects focused on global climate change.