Garden Club of America Coastal Wetlands Studies Scholarship

The Garden Club of America (GCA) offers merit-based scholarships and fellowships in areas related to conservation, ecology, horticulture, and pollinator research.  The Coastal Wetlands Studies scholarship promotes wetlands conservation through the support of young scientists in their field work and research.  Each $5,000 award funds one graduate student annually for field-based research in coastal wetlands.  Applications are reviewed by a selection committee of practicing wetland scientists at CCRM.  The Garden Club of America selects the final award winners from the Center's nominees.

Application opens November 1
Deadline is January 15

  • Must be enrolled in a graduate program at a university within the U.S.
  • Field-based study must be in coastal wetlands in the U.S., defined as tidal or nontidal wetlands within the coastal states, including the Great Lake states.
  • A student may apply to only one GCA-sponsored scholarship per year.
  • Must be either a US citizen or a permanent resident of the United States.
Selection Criteria
  • Technical merit of proposed work.
  • Degree to which the work is relevant to the Garden Club objective of promoting wetlands conservation.
  • There is a preference for students who are early in their degree programs.
How to Apply
Award Recipients