Fei Ye homepage

Fei Ye

Assistant Research Scientist

Email: [[feiye]]
Phone: (804) 684-7694
Office: Davis Hall 212
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Program: Numerical/Hydrodynamic Modeling

Research Interests
  • Cross-scale modeling of river-estuarine-plume-shelf systems
  • Developing and applying efficient high-order numerical schemes for cross scale baroclinic modeling
  • Developing and applying advanced numerical schemes for non-hydrostatic modeling
  • Interdisciplinary studies concerning aquatic/riparian ecosystem and marsh evolution
  • Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, 2018.
  • Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2012.
  • MSc in Ecology bypassed to PhD program, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2010.
  • BSc in Environmental Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China, 2007.
Graduate Assistantships at VIMS
  • Model setup and analysis of the cross scale shelf-estuarine hydrodynamics for the project “Assessment of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Impacts for Channel Deepening in the Thimble Shoals, Norfolk Harbor, and Elizabeth River Channels”, PI: Mac Sisson (VIMS).
  • Model setup and analysis of the Chester River hydrodynamics for the project “Comparison of Shallow-water Models for Use in Supporting Chesapeake Bay Management Decision-making”, PI: Marjorie Friedrichs (VIMS).
  • Statistical analysis of the water quality data for James River Chlorophyll study.
  • Model skill assessments for the project “SURA Testbed: Coastal Waves, Surge and Inundation Component”, PI: Rich Luettich (UNC).
Vocational Experience
  • Lab Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010-2012.
  • Lab Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008-2010.
  • Mid-Level Programmer, certified in China
Selected Publications
  • Ye F. et al., “A 3D unstructured-grid model for the Chesapeake Bay: importance of bathymetry”, submitted to Ocean Modeling.
  • Ye F., Zhang Y.L., Friedrichs M.A.M, Wang H.V., Irby I, and Wang Z.G., 2016. A 3D, cross-scale, baroclinic model with implicit vertical transport for the Upper Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Ocean Modeling, 107, pp.82-96.
  • Zhang Y.L., Ye F., Stanev, E.V. and Grashorn, S., 2016. Seamless cross-scale modelling with SCHISM. Ocean Modeling, 102, pp.64-81.
  • Ye F., Chen Q., Blanckaert K, Ma J, 2013. Riparian vegetation dynamics: insight provided by a process-based model, a statistical model and field data. Ecohydrology, 6: 567-585.
  • Chen, Q., Han, R., Ye, F. and Li, W., 2011. Spatio-temporal ecological models. Ecological Informatics, 6(1), pp.37-43.
  • Ye F., Chen Q., Li R. 2010. Modelling the riparian vegetation evolution due to flow regulation of Lijiang River by unstructured cellular automata. Ecological Informatics, 5: 108-114.
  • Chen, Q., Ye, F. and Li, W., 2009. Cellular-automata-based ecological and ecohydraulics modelling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 11(3-4), pp.252-265.
  • Gordon & Catherine B. Smith Fellowship, 2016
  • Marlatt Endowment award, in recognition of the strong academic performance at VIMS, 2016
  • Nichols Student Travel Fellowship, 2015
  • 2nd prize (received with others), Dayu’s Award for Innovations in Water Resources Science and  Technology, awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources for the innovative work on guiding reservoir operations by the response of downstream ecological communities, 2010
  • 1st prize (oral presentation), Student Paper Competition, IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research) World Congress, 2009