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Tamia Rudnicky homepage

Tamia Rudnicky

GIS Programmer Analyst

Email: [[tamia]]
Phone: (804) 684-7181
Office: Davis Hall 206
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Program: Geospatial Modeling

  • B.A. Biology, Vassar College
  • M.S. Wildlife Management, University of Maine, Orono
Research Interests
Research interests include the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze and display coastal and wetlands data. Development of GIS techniques to model impacts of resource protection and policy strategies.
Current Projects
  • Shoreline  Management Model Development
  • Development of Web-based Applications using ArcGIS for Shoreline and Wetlands Projects
  • Mid-Atlantic Non-tidal Wetlands Assessment
  • Development of Shoreline Situation Reports
Selected Publications
Berman, M.R., Berquist, H., Killeen, S., Nunez, K., Rudnicky, T., Schatt, D.E.,   Reay, K. and D. Weiss, 2007. Lynnhaven River, Virginia
Shoreline Inventory   Report, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Center for Coastal Resources   Management Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary,   Gloucester Point, Virginia, 23062    

O'Brien, D.L., Jacobs, A., Berman,   M.R., Rudnicky, T., McLaughlin, E., Howard, A., 2007. Refinement and validation of a multi-level assessment method for Mid-Atlantic tidal wetlands. Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. Final report: Wetland Program Development Grant (EPA   #CD-973494-01), US Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 3, Philadelphia, PA

Berman, M.R., Berquist, H., Dewing, S., Rudnicky, T., Schatt, D.E.,   Weiss, D. and H. Woods, 2005. Queen Anne's County, Maryland - Shoreline   Situation Report, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Virginia Institute of   Marine Science, College of William and
Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, 23062