Karen Duhring homepage

Karen Duhring

Marine Scientist

Email: [[karend]]
Phone: (804) 684-7159
Office: Davis Hall 226
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Program: Extension

Research Interests
  • Long-term effectiveness of "living shoreline" techniques for erosion protection
  • Citizen science applications for shoreline monitoring and management
  • Effective coastal training and outreach communication methods
Current Projects
  • Continuing education and training courses for government staff, marine industry professionals, Virginia Master Naturalists & Master Gardeners
  • CCRM outreach publications and quarterly e-newsletters
  • Chapter Advisor  Middle Peninsula Master Naturalists
  • James River Association Living Shorelines Collaborative and demonstration projects
  • Living shorelines project tracking and adaptive management feedback
  • VIMS Teaching Marsh interpretive aids and stewardship
Selected Publications

Hardaway, C.S. Jr., Milligan, D.A., Wilcox, C.A. and Duhring, K.  2017.  Living Shoreline Design Guidelines for Shore Protection in Virginia's Estuarine Environments.  Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 463.  Gloucester Point, VA: Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Bilkovic, D.M., Mitchell, M., Mason, P., and Duhring, Karen.  The Role of Living Shorelines as Estuarine Habitat Conservation Strategies. 2016.  Coastal Management 44 (3): 161-174.

Duhring, Karen.  2007.  Overview of living shoreline design options for erosion protection on tidal shorelines.  In proceedings of Living Shorelines Summit held December 6-7, 2006 in Williamsburg, VA.