Expedition Photos

  • Fetch experience
    Fetch experience   Expedition team members Dr. Mark Patterson and Chris Petrone work with teachers giving them hands-on experiences with ocean observing system technology, such as the AUV Fetch.   Chris Petrone
  • Fetch AUV
    Fetch AUV   Fetch1, seen here, was developed by expedition leader, Dr. Mark Patterson. This automous underwater vehicle is a taxicab for sensors, including side-scan sonar, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and salinity. It also carries an underwater videocamera.   Chris Petrone
  • Fetch1 on mission
    Fetch1 on mission   Here, Fetch1 has been deployed on a mission. The long probe at the nose of the AUV is the side-scan sonar. Also note the encapsulated GPS on top, which allows Fetch to obtain fixes used in guidance.   Chris Petrone
  • Fetch's innards
    Fetch's innards   With two internal computers, a suite of sensors and a video camera, there is about 650 meters of wire inside of Fetch1. Here, you see some of the wires that run the different utilities in the nose cone.   Chris Petrone
  • Aquarius habitat
    Aquarius habitat   Located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, off Key Largo, FL, the Aquarius habitat rests 20 meters below the water's surface.   DJ Roller
  • Aquarius Life Support Buoy
    Aquarius Life Support Buoy   The Life Support Buoy (LSB) provides power and communications to the Aquarius habitat located immediately beneath the buoy. To ensure safety, only official vessels may enter the designated area around Aquarius.   Chris Petrone
  • Aquarius Reef Base
    Aquarius Reef Base   Back on land, all aspects of the underwater habitat are monitored 24 hours a day during a mission, including oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, communications and power consumption. The land-based team is in constant, two-way contact with the habitat team.   Chris Petrone
  • Fetch and Aquarius pot
    Fetch and Aquarius pot   Supplies are "potted" to and from the Aquarius habitat in special air- and water-tight containers, called "pots." This particular pot was used to carry Noelle and Sarina's clothes and video camera for their in-habitat interview.   Chris Petrone
  • At-sea webinar
    At-sea webinar   In addition to the daily blogs, the Expedition team also conducted two live internet-broadcasts. The first took place in the early afternoon, from directly above the habitat (seen here), while the second, in the evening, took place dockside at the Aquarius Land Base. Note the webcam to the left of Chris (red shorts).   Brad Peadro
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