Kenneth A. Moore
Faculty Emeritus
Coastal & Ocean Processes
(804) 684-7384
Seagrasses - environmental factors affecting growth and survival.
P.O. Box 1346 Gloucester Pt., VA 23062-1346, USA
- B.S., Pennsylvania State University
- M.S., University of Virginia
- Ph.D., University of Maryland
Research Interests
My research studies have focused on the ecology of estuarine and coastal shallow water environments, especially those vegetated with marshes, seagrasses and other submerged aquatic vegetation. Specifically, I have studied the relationships between these aquatic macrophyte systems and environmental factors including water quality conditions that limit their growth, survival, and restoration. These studies have been hierarchal in nature, ranging from the physiological response of individual organisms to field studies of seagrass restoration, to ecosystem-level response of seagrass beds to management actions in the Chesapeake Bay. Similarly, tools for investigating these different levels have varied, from measurements of plant photosynthesis both in the field and in the lab, using pulsed modulated fluorescence (PAM) and other techniques, to bay-wide abundance changes using remotely sensed data and satellite imagery. I am very active in coastal resource management at the state, regional and national levels, focusing on shallow water quality issues and SAV restoration.
Currently, in addition to my research and faculty duties, I was also the Research Coordinator of the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia (CBNERRVA). There I oversaw the NERRS System-Wide Monitoring Program using a network of continuously recording water quality sensors, meteorological stations, and intensive biological monitoring. Here I have worked to develop, new, enhanced shallow water monitoring technologies. In addition to my own students, I oversaw the NERRS Graduate Research Fellowship Program for CBNERRVA.
Current Projects
- 2005-2006, Mid Atlantic Regional System-wideWater Quality Measurments, CICEET, PI
- 2005-2006, Freshwater Estuarine SAV Restoration Study, US COE, PI
- 2005-2006, Development of Seeding Techniques for Seagrass Restoration, US COE, Co-PI
- 2005-2006, Water Quality Modeling in the Lynnhaven River
- 2004-2006, Biological Monitoring of Seagrass Communities, NOAA, PI
- 2004-2006, Intensive Water Quality Mapping of Nearshore and Midchannel Regions of the James River Relative to SAV Growth and Survival, EPA, PI
- 2004-2006, Restoration of SAV Relative to Habitat Quality in the Tidal Freshwater James River, HRWTF, PI
- 2004-2005, Studies of Potential Oyster Larval Dispersal in the Chesapeake Bay, NOAA, EPA, VMRC, Co-PI
- 2003-2005, Coastal Laser Biomonitoring Using Advanced Laser Fluorometry, CICEET, Co-PI
- 2003-2005, Restoration of SAV in Coastal Bays, NOAA, Co-PI
- 2003-2005, Enhanced Monitoring of Water Quality in the Piankatank River, NOAA, Co-PI
- 2003-2005, Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring in the Chesapeake Bay, EPS, PI
- 2003-2005, Site Assessments for Future, Large-Scale Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration in Chesapeake Bay , NOAA, Co-PI
- 2003-05, Restoration of SAV Piankatank River, NOAA, Co-PI
Recent Publications (2000 to present)
- Moore, K.A. and F.T. Short. (In Press). Comparative Biology of Zostera. In Seagrass Biology. (Larkum, Orth and Duarte eds.)
- Ralph, P., D. Tomasko, K.A. Moore and S. Seddon. (In Press) Human Impacts on Seagrass: Eutrophication, Sedimentation and contamination. In Seagrass Biology. (Larkum, Orth and Duarte eds.)
- Reay W. and K.A. Moore. (In Press). Impacts of Tropical Cyclone Isabel on Shallow Water Quality of the York River Estuary. Proceedings. Hurricane Isabel in Perspective: Developing an Understanding of How Storm Events affect the Chesapeake Bay Region. CRC Press. November 14-17, 2004. Maritime Institute. Linthicum Heights, Maryland.
- Orth, R. J., J. Bieri, J. R. Fishman, M. C. Harwell, S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, J. F. Nowak, J. van Montfrans. (In Press). A review of techniques using adult plants and seeds to transplant eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in Chesapeake Bay and the Virginia Coastal Bays. Proc. Conf. Seagrass Restoration: Success, Failure, and the Costs of Both. March 11, 2003. Sarasota, Florida.
- Moore, K.A. (2004). Influence of seagrasses on water quality in shallow regions of the lower Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Coastal Research 45: 162-178.Kemp, W.M., R. Batiuk, R. Bartleson, K. Moore, P. Bergstrom, V. Carter, C. Gallegos, W. Humnley, L. Karrh, E.W. Koch, J. Landwehr, K. Moore, L. Murray, M. Naylor, N. Rybicki, J.C. Stevenson, D. Wilcox. (2004) Habitat requirements for submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Water quality, light regime, and physical-chemical factors. Estuaries 27(2): 363-377.
- French, G.T. and K.A. Moore. 2003. Single and Interactive effects of light and salinity stress on the growth, reproduction and photosynthetic capabilities of Vallisneria americana. Estuaries.
- Moore, K.A., B.A. Anderson, D.J. Wilcox, R.J. Orth and M. Naylor. 2003. Changes in Seagrass Distribution as Evidence of Historical Water Quality conditions. Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 21(1): 142-143.
- Anderson, B., M. Unger and K.A. Moore. 2002. Fate of tributyltin in a created wetland. Environ. Tox. and Chem.:1176-1183.
- Orth, R. J., J. R. Fishman, D. J. Wilcox, and K. A. Moore. 2002. Identification and management of fishing gear impacts in a recovering seagrass system in the coastal bays of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA. J. Coastal Research 37: 111-129.
- Ralph, P.J., S.M. Polk, K.A. Moore, R.J. Orth and W.O. Smith. 2002. Operation of the xanthophyll cycle in the seagrass Zostera marina in response to variable irradiance. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 271: 189-207.
- Orth, R. J., R. A. Batiuk, P. W. Bergstrom, and K. A. Moore. 2002. A perspective on two decades of policies and regulations influencing the protection and restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Bull. Mar. Sci.71 (3): 1391-1403.
- Moore, K. A., 2001. Water quality monitoring, modeling, research and management in the Chesapeake Bay. In: International Workshop on Estuary and Coastal Environmental Conservation Technology. September 19, 2001, Research Center for Coastal Environments of Yellow Sea (CCEYS), Inha University, Nam-ku, Incheon, Korea. pp. 5-30.
- Cerco, C. and K.A. Moore. 2001. System-wide submerged aquatic vegetation model for Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries 24 (4): 522-534
- Moore, K.A., D.L. Wilcox, and R.J. Orth. 2000. Analysis of abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation communities in the Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries 23 (1): 115-127.
- Moore, K.A. and R.L. Wetzel. 2000. Seasonal variations in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) responses to nutrient enrichment and reduced light availability in experimental ecosystems. J. of Mar. Biol. and Ecol. 244: 1-28.
- Orth, R.J., M.C. Harwell, E.M. Bailey, A. Bartholomew, J.T. Jawad, A.V. Lombana, K.A. Moore, J.M. Rhode, H.W. Woods. 2000. Review of issues in seagrass seed dormancy and germination: Implications for conservation and restoration. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 200:277-288.
- Batiuk, R. W.M. Kemp, P. Bergstrom, K.A.Moore, E. Koch. 2000. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Water Quality and Habitat-Based Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Second Technical Synthesis. (http://archive.chesapeakebay.net/pubs/sav/index.html) EPA Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis Md. 220 p.
- Moore, K.A. and J. Grandstaff. 2000. SAV transplant survival in the James River relative to water quality. Virginia Water Research Symposium 2000 Proceedings: Advances in Land and Water Monitoring Technologies and Research for Management of Water Resources. November 7-9, 2000. Roanoke, Virginia. Virginia Water Resources Research Center. pp. 50-67.
- Moore, K.A. 2000. Sediment impacts on Submerged aquatic vegetation. Proceedings: The Impact of Susquehanna Sediments on the Chesapeake Bay. March 29, 2000. Elkridge, MD. Chesapeake Bay Program Scientific and Technical and Advisory Committee. CRC, Inc., Edgewater MD. 29 p.
Past Students
Graduate Advisor
- Jessie Campbell, M.S.- Influences of Ecological Factors on the Germination of Vallisneria americana seeds.
- Laurie Sorabella, M.S., 2002, Oyster Reef and Seagrass Interactions in Ecological Restoration.
- Gail French, M.S., 2001, Effects of Light and Salinity Stress on the Growth, Reproduction, and Photosynthetic Capacity of Vallisneria americana
- Britt-Anne Anderson, M.S., 2000, Bioremediation of Tributyltin contaminated Sediment Using Spartina alterniflora in a Created Wetland
- Eva Machelor, M.A., 1998, Processes Affecting Macroalgal-Seagrass Dynamics in the York River, Virginia
- Arthur Schwarzschild, M.A., 1993, Growth Response of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to root-Rhizome and Whole Plant Exposure to Atrazine
- Jill L. Goodman, M.A., 1992, Photosynthetic Responses of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to Light and Sediment Sulfide in a Shallow Barrier Island Lagoon
- Jan Hodges, M.A., Interactive effects of Light and Nutrients on the Seagrass (Zostera marina)
Graduate Advisory Committee
- Ph.D. - James Douglass, 2008
- MS - Lindy Dingerson
- MS - Justin Vandever
- MS - Sarah Davies, 2004, Vegetation dynamics of a tidal freshwater marsh : long-term and inter-annual variability and their relationship to salinity
- MS - Amy Lewis, 2004, Investigation of relationships between short-term photosynthetic performance and long-term growth of Zostera marina L.
- Ph.D. - Jennifer Rhode, 2002, Microevolutionary processes in Chesapeake Bay (Virginia, USA) eelgrass, Zostera marina L.
- MS - Helen Woods, 2001, An examination of potential conflict between SAV and hard clam aquaculture in the Lower Chesapeake Bay.
- Ph.D. - William Seufzer, 2001, Application of the genetic algorithm to an ecological simulation
- MS - Christine Van Hilst, 2000, Photosynthetic response and nutrient uptake cynamics of Phytoplankton in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- MS - Jill Meyer, 2000, Use of a digital multispectral video system and spectroradiometer for bottomland hardwood forest remote sensing : a jurisdictional boundary accuracy assessment and radiance examination
- Ph.D. - Matthew Harwell, 2000, Ecological dispersal mechanisms, reproductive ecology, and the importance of scale in Zostera marina in Chesapeake Bay
- Ph.D. - Peter Raymond, 1999, Carbon cycling in the York River Estuary : an isotopic and mass balance approach using natural ¹*C and ¹³C isotopes
- Ph.D. - Richard Bartleson (University of Maryland)
- MA - William Severn (University of Maryland)
- Ph.D. - Christopher Buzzelli, 1996, Integrative analysis of ecosystem processes in the littoral zone of lower Chesapeake Bay : a modeling study of the Goodwin Islands National Estuarine Research Reserve
- MA - James Fishman, 1994, The role of predation on Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) seed abundance
- MA - William Seufzer, 1994, Measurement of in situ eelgrass community metabolism in standing and flowing waters: methods and models.
- MA - Deborah Harsh, 1995, Filtration of oysters in patches : effects of water flow and seston composition
- MA - Christopher Buzzelli, 1991, Sediment inorganic nitrogen stocks and root-rhizome ammonium uptake by eelgrass (Zostera marina l.) in the lower Chesapeake Bay
- MA - Julia Wilcox, 1989, Recent vegetation and area changes in a tidal marsh located at Pope's Creek, Virginia
Undergraduate and Honors
- Alexa Rameriz, Duke University, 2004. Response of Zostera marina L. (Eelgrass) to Rapid Deposition of Sediments. Research Experiences for Undergraduates.
- Jessie Campbell, Chowan College, 2002. The effect of epiphyte accumulation on light attenuation of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) over a depth gradient in the York River, VA. 2004. Alpha Chi Recorder, 47(1): 32-44. Winner of most outstanding paper, Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2002. Presented paper at winter 2003 ASLO meeting. Winner of Alpha Chi scholarship.
- Curtis Copeland, 2001-2002. Gloucester High School. Honors Biology Program. "Interactive Effects of Sulfide and Light on Zostera marina photosynthesis and Growth". Winner Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Environmental Scholarship to University of Virginia as most outstanding paper at the 2002 Virginia Junior Academy of Sciences meeting, May 2002.
- Curtis Copeland, 2000-2001. Gloucester High School. Independent Study Honors Program. "Sediment Sulfide toxicity on Zostera marina: Effects on Photosynthetic Apparatus and subsequent growth." Award winning paper presented at the 2001 Virginia Junior Academy of Sciences meeting, May 2001. 2001 Virginia Sea Grant award for the most outstanding paper in marine science. Awarded the Best Research Paper at the 2001 VJAS meeting. Chosen as the State Delegate to the American Academy of Science Conference, Boston, MA, February 2002
- Curtis Copeland, 1999-2000. Gloucester High School. Independent Study Honors Program. Winner Virginia Sea Grant Award. Second Place Environmental Science. Virginia Junior Academy of Science. May 2000.
- Jessie Burton, 1997-1998 New Horizons Governor's School "Effects of light conditions on macroalgae photosynthesis". Winner Best Paper in Botany. 1998. Virginia Junior Academy of Sciences. Winner of Botany Award Scholarship.
Courses Taught
- MS 503: Marine Science Field and Laboratory Methods (Lecturer)
- MS 526: Introduction to Biological Oceanography (Lecturer)
- MS 542: Macrophyte Restoration Ecology (Lecturer)
- MS 590: Restoration Ecology and Management (Lecturer)
- MS 597: Effects of Created Wetlands on Water Quality
- MS 597: Light and Seagrass Interactions
- MS 656: Seagrass Ecosystems
- MS 697: Assessing Photosynthetic Performance And Stress in Marine Macrophytes
- MS 698: Plant-Sediment Interactions
- MS 698: Biogeochemical and Physiological Processes in Intertidal and Subtidal Habitats
- MS 698: Current Concepts in Estuarine Benthic Processes
- MS 698: Ecology of Seagrasses
- MS 698: Estuarine Benthic Processes
- MS 698: Seagrass Photosynthesis
Faculty and Student Awards
- NOAA, Graduate Research Fellowship, 2005-2008, Jessie Campbell
- 2005 Craig L. Smith Scholarship Award, Jessie Campbell
- Associate Faculty, Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences, University of Maryland. 1998-Current.
- Best REU paper, 2002, Jessie Campbell, Alpha Chi Scholarship
- Frances and Sydney Lewis Scholarship, Most Outstanding Paper in Environmental Sciences, Virginia Academy of Science, 2002. Curtis Copeland.
- Best Student Paper, Gail French, Spring Meeting, 2001 Atlantic Estuarine Research Society
- Russell J. Rowlett Award, Most Outstanding Research Paper, Virginia Academy of Science, 2001. Curtis Copeland.
- Kelley Watson Memorial Fellowship, 2001. Laurie Sorabella.
- Virginia Junior Academy of Sciences Botany Scholarship. 1998. Jessie Burton.
Professional Memberships
- Estuarine Research Federation
- Atlantic Estuarine Research Society
- American Society of Limnologist and Oceanographers
Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Efforts
- Dr. Eva Koch, CEES, University of Maryland
- Dr. Michael Kemp, CEES, University of Maryland
- Dr. Jeffery Cornwell, CEES, University of Maryland
- Dr. Peter Ralph, University of Technology at Sydney
- Dr. Fred Short, University of New Hampshire
- Dr. Alex Chekalyuk, Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University
- Dr. Dwayne E. Porter, Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina