The colors used in the logo—VIMS blue and teal—are bold, sophisticated colors that should be used consistently across all pieces where color printing is possible and in all digital media. Together, these two colors are an important visual cue that will help lend consistency and strength to VIMS' communications. The supporting colors are inspired by natural elements and are meant to compliment the logo, while adding uniqueness and allowing flexibility within each collateral piece or digital media component.
VIMS Colors
VIMS Color Guidelines
All of the colors can be used in large solid blocks and can be screened back to various tints.
While the logo colors should not be altered, text can be set in any of the darker colors.
What to Avoid
Use of Sky Blue/Sand on Light BackgroundNever typeset text in Sky Blue or Sand unless on a darker background. Also, do not use Sky Blue for text on a solid area of Sand or vice-versa. |
Use of Dark Fonts on Dark Background
Never use the darker colors on a dark background. |
Typesetting in Multiple Colors
Never typeset words in multiple colors. |
For any questions regarding the use of VIMS' color palate, please contact News & Media Services.