Sharon Killeen
GIS Specialist
(804) 684-7534
Davis Hall 207E
Ecosystem Health
Center for Coastal Resources Management
Geospatial Modeling
- B.A., George Mason University
Research Interests
Research interests include development of innovative techniques for the design, display, and analysis of cartographic data. Applied research using GIS techniques for the analysis of natural resources data.
Current Projects
- Shoreline situation reports for Virginia’s Tidewater localities
- Maryland shoreline inventories
- Virginia oyster reef restoration map atlas
- Dune monitoring project
- Bathymetric analysis of historic oyster reefs in the lower James River
Selected Publications
Chambers, R.M., K.J. Havens, T.M. Russell, S. Killeen, and M. Berman. 2008. Common Reed Phragmites Australis Distribution in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Wetlands, Vol. 28, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 1097–1103 (pdf)
Berman, M.R., Killeen, S., Schatt, D., Berquist, H., and C.H. Hershner, 1999. Shoreline Situation Report - York County, 1999, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 352 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia.
Silberhorn, G.M., S. Killeen and P. Mason.1996.Shoot and seed production in Populations of Ruppia maritima L. from Chesapeake Bay,Virginia. Wetlands 16:232-239