Vessel Rates

Rates for use of the R/V Virginia are subject to change as we gain experience with the costs of operating the new vessel.

Table of R/V Virginia costs and rates
Rate Type Rate Notes
Day Rate $10,150

All inclusive day rate; 24 hour operation (Vessel & Crew $8630; Food $430; Fuel $1090)

Technician [[v|VimsVSLRequest,Contact Marine Operations]]
Instrumentation [[v|VimsVSLRequest,Contact Marine Operations]] ADCP and other equipment available on request
Weather Day/Port Day/Mob-Demob $2,643 Full services
Additional Notes
  • [[v|VimsVSLRequest,Contact Marine Operations]] for rate types not described above
  • Users may be charged 20% of day rate for scheduled days not used
  • Fuel surcharge may be applied to transit or steam distances over 150 miles