How to Create/Modify Vessel Reservations

How to Reserve Small Vessels

  • Visit the EMS Calendar.
  • Click on the "My Account" link located in the tool bar, under the "William & Mary | Reservations" logo.
  • Click "Log in".
    Your User Id will be CAMPUS\ your W&M ID).  Example, CAMPUS\jdoe.  Password: use your W&M password.
  • Once you're logged on, click on the "Reservations" link located on the tool bar, under the "William & Mary | Reservations" logo.
  • Click on "To Request a Small Vessel at VIMS'.
  • In the box "When and Where" use the small calendar icon to select the reservation date, Start Time and End Time.
  • Click "Find Space".
    A list of available vessels for the requested date and times will appear.
  • Click on the green plus sign to select the desired vessel.
  • Click on the "Details" tab and supply any other information.
  • Click "Submit Reservation" when you are done.

How to Cancel/Edit Reservation

  • Visit the EMS Calendar.
  • Click on the "My Account" link located in the tool bar, under the "William & Mary | Reservations" logo.
  • Click "Log in".
    Your User Id will be CAMPUS\ your W&M ID).  Example, CAMPUS\jdoe.  Password: use your W&M password.
  • Once you're logged on, click on the "Reservations" link located on the tool bar, under the "William & Mary | Reservations" logo.
  • Click on "View My Requests".
  • Click on the "Name" field of the desired record in order select it for edit or cancellation.
  • Once the record is selected, under the "Existing Services" tab, you can edit a detail by clicking on the pencil icon,  or delete a detail by clicking on the red X.  Clicking the gree plus sign allows new items to be added to the service request.