Virginia Shark Monitoring and Assessment Program

  • Sand Tiger   VIMS researchers prepare to bring a sand tiger shark from the gurney onto the R/V Bay Eagle during a shark survey cruise.  
  • Tag and Release   A VIMS researchers prepares to release a tagged dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) to learn more about the species' distribution and behavior.  
  • Tag and Release   Dustin and Jameson Gregg prepare to dehook and tag a sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) before releasing it back into the water.  
  • Dehooking   VIMS researcher Jeff Eckert dehooks a sand tiger (Carcharias taurus) aboard the RV Bay Eagle. The shark will be weighed, measured, and tagged before its release back into the water.  
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Sharks play a key role in marine ecosystems worldwide. At the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, systematic study of mid-Atlantic sharks began in 1974 with the VIMS Shark Survey, which now stands as the longest-running fishery-independent study of shark populations in the world. This longline survey brought global attention to significant declines in shark populations due to overfishing, and led to the first U.S. management plan for sharks, in 1993. As fishing regulations help shark populations rebound in U.S. waters, data from shark research programs at VIMS continue to inform stock assessments and fishery management plans at federal and state levels.

To learn more about sharks and shark science at VIMS: