Jessica Moss Small home page

Jessica M. Small

Assistant Professor; Director, Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center

Email: [[v|jamoss]]
Phone: (804) 684-7955
Office: Andrews Hall 408
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center

  • University of New Hampshire, BSc. Marine and Freshwater Biology, 2000
  • Virginia Institute of Marine Science, PhD, Marine Science, 2007
Research Interests

oysters, aquaculture, breeding, ecology, evolution, marine molecular genetics, biodiversity, parasitology, population genetics

Learn more about the Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center.


  • Sanderson, M., Hudson, K., Gregg, L., Chesler-Poole, A., Small, J., Reece, K., Carnegie, R., & J. Smith. (2023).  Detection of toxins and harmful algal bloom cells in shellfish hatcheries and efforts towards removal.  Aquaculture, 562:1-10   
  • Guo, X., Puritz, J.B., Wang, Z., Proestou, D., Allen, S.K., Small, J., Verbyla, K., Zhao, Z., Haggard, J., Chriss, N., Zeng, D., Lundgren, K., Allam, B., Bushek, D., Gomez-Chiarri, G., Hare, M., Hollenbeck, C., LaPeyre, J., Liu, M., Lotterhos, K., Plough, L., Rawson, P., Rickard, S., Saillant, E., Varney, R., Wikfors G., and Wilbur, A. (2023). Development and Evaluation of High-Density SNP Arrays for the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica. Marine Biotechnology. 25: 174–191
  • Takyi, E., LaPorte, J., Sohn, S., Stevick, R., Witkop, E., Gregg, L., Chesler-Poole, A., Small, J., White, M., Giray, C., Rowley, D., Nelson, D., and M. Gomez-Chiarri. (2023). Development and evaluation of a formulation or probiont Phaeobacter inhibens S4 for the management of vibriosis in bivalve hatcheries. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries. 1-12.
  • Guevelou, E., Carnegie, R.B., Whitefleet-Smith, L., Small, J.M., Allen, S.K., Jr. (2021) Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to quantify Perkinsus marinus infecting Crassostrea virginica. Aquaculture. 533
  • Allen, S., K., Jr., Moss Small, J., & Kube, P. D. (2021). Genetic parameters for Crassostrea virginica and their application to family-based breeding in the mid-Atlantic, USA. Aquaculture. 538.
  • McCarty, A. J, McFarland K. Small, J., Allen, S.K. Jr., & Plough. L. V. (2020) Heritability of acute low salinity survival in the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Aquaculture. 529
  • Matt, J. L., Guevelou, E., Small, J. M., & Allen, S. K. (2020). A field test investigating the influence of brood stock origin and ploidy on the susceptibility of Crassostrea virginica to "triploid mortality" in the Chesapeake Bay. Aquaculture, 526.
  • Proestou, D. A., Vinyard, B. T., Corbett, R. J., Piesz, J., Allen, S. K., Small, J. M., . . . Gomez-Chiarri, M. (2016). Performance of selectively-bred lines of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, across eastern US estuaries. Aquaculture, 464, 17-27.
  • Proestou, D. A., Corbett, R. J., Ben-Horin, T., Small, J. M., & Allen, S. K. (2019). Defining Dermo resistance phenotypes in an eastern oyster breeding population. Aquaculture Research, 50(8), 2142-2154.
  • Ben-Horin, T., Allen, S. K., Small, J. M., & Proestou, D. A. (2018). Genetic variation in anti-parasite behavior in oysters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 594, 107-117.
  • Guevelou, E.G., Carnegie, R.B., Moss Small, J., Hudson, K., Reece, K.S., Rybovich, M. and Allen, S.K., Jr. (2019). Tracking triploid mortalities of the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica in the Virginia portion of the Chesapeake Bay.  Journal of Shellfish Research. 38: 1-13
  • de Sousa, J. T., Allen, S. K., Wolfe, B. M., & Small, J. M. (2018). Mitotic instability in triploid and tetraploid one-year-old eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, assessed by cytogenetic and flow cytometry techniques. Genome, 61(2), 79-89.
  • Clark, A.S., Behringer, D.C.,Moss Small, J., and Waltzek, T. (2018) Partial validation of a TaqMan real-time quantitative PCR assay for the detection of Panularius argus virus 1. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 129: 193-198.
  • Butler, M.J., IV, Behringer, D.C. Jr., Dolan, T.M. III, Moss, J., and Shields, J.D. (2015) Behavioral immunity suppresses an epizootic in Caribbean spiny lobsters. PLOS One.(10)6.
  • Boyko, C.B., Moss, J., Williams, J.D., and Shields, J.D. (2013) A molecular phylogeny of Bopyroidea and Cryptoniscoidea (Crustacea: Isopoda). Systematics and Biodiveristy. 11:495-506.
  • Moss, J., Behringer, D.C., Shields, J.D., Baeza, A., Aguilar-Perera, A., Bush, P.G., Dromer, C., Herrera-Moreno, A., Gittens, L, Matthews, T.R., McCord, M.R., Schärer, M.T., Reynal, L., Truelove, N. and Butler, M.J. (2013) Distribution, prevalence, and genetic analysis of Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1) from the Caribbean Sea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 104: 129-140.
  • Shields, J.D., Wheeler, K.N., Moss, J., Somers, B., and Castro, K. (2012) The "100 Lobsters" project: a cooperative demonstration project for health assessment of lobsters from Rhode Island. Journal of Shellfish Research. 31:  431-438.
  • Shields, J.D., Wheeler, K.N., and Moss, J. (2012) Histological assessment of the lobsters (Homarus americanus) in the "100 lobsters" project. Journal of Shellfish Research. 31:  439-447.
  • Moss, J., Buter, M.J. IV, Behringer, D.C. and Shields, J.D. (2012) Genetic diversity of the Caribbean spiny lobster virus, Panulirus argus virus I, and the discovery of PaV1 in lobster postlarvae. Aquatic Biology. 14: 223-232.
  • Behringer, D.C., Butler, M.J. IV, Moss, J. and Shields, J.D. (2012) PaV1 infection in the Florida spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) and its effect on trap function and disease transmission. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. 69: 136-144.
  • Xiao, J., Cordes, J. F., Moss, J. and Reece, K. S. (2011) Genetic diversity in U.S. hatchery stocks of Crassostrea ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) and comparison with natural populations in Asia. Journal of Shellfish Research. 30: 751-760.
  • Behringer, D. C., Butler, M. J. IV., Shields, J. D., and Moss, J. (2011) Review of Panulirus argus virus I - a decade after its discovery. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 94: 153-160.
  • Stentiford, G. D., Bateman, K. S., Small, H. J., Moss, J., Shields, J. D., Reece, K. S., and Tuck, I. (2010). Myospora metanephrops (n. g., n. sp.) from marine lobsters and a proposal for erection of a new order and family (Crustaceacida; Myosporidae) in the Class Marinospora (Phylum Microsporidia). International Journal for Parasitology. 40:1433-1446.
  • Small, H. J., Shields, J. D., Haas, L. W., Vogelbein, W. K., Moss, J. and Reece, K. S. (2009) Genetic variation among strains of Pseudopfiesteria shumwayae and Pfiesteria piscicida (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 45:1315-1322
  • Moss, J. A., Xiao, J., Dungan, C. F. and Reece, K. S. (2008) Description of Perkinsus beihaiensis n. sp., a new Perkinsus sp. parasite in oysters of southern China.  Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 55:117-130.
  • Casas, S. M., Reece, K. S., Li, Y., Moss, J. A., Villalba, A. and La Peyre, J. F. (2008) Continuous culture of Perkinsus mediterraneus, a parasite of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, and characterization of its morphology, propagation and extracellular proteins in vitro. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 55:34-43.
  • Moss, J. A., Burreson, E. M., Cordes, J. F., Dungan, C. F., Brown, G. B., Wang, A., Wu, X. and Reece, K. S. (2007)  Pathogens in Crassostrea ariakensis and other Asian oyster species:  implications for non-native oyster introduction to Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 77:207-223.
  • Dungan, C. F., Reece, K. S., Moss, J. A., Hamilton, R. M. and Diggles, B. K. (2007)  Perkinsus olseni in vitro isolates from the New Zealand clam Austrovenus stutchburyi. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 54:26-270.
  • Small, H. J., Shields, J. D., Moss, J. A. and Reece, K. S. (2007)  Conservation in the first internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1) in Hematodinium species infecting crustacean hosts found in the UK and Newfoundland.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 75:251-258.
  • Moss, J. A., Burreson, E. M. and Reece, K. S. (2006)  Advanced Perkinsus marinus infections in Crassostrea ariakensis held under laboratory conditions. Journal of Shellfish Research. 25:65-72.


Journal Referee


Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

Molecular Ecology

Journal of Invertebrate Parasitology

Journal of Fish Biology