Jerome P.-Y. Maa
Faculty Emeritus
Physical Sciences
Water wave mechanics; wave refraction/diffraction/reflection/breaking and associated sediment transport.
- B.S., M.S., National Cheng-Kung University
- Ph.D., University of Florida
Research Interests
My interests lie in two primary areas: cohesive sediment transport and water wave mechanics. In the first research area, I have developed the VIMS Sea Carousel for in situ experiments to identify the critical bed shear stress and erosion rate for sediment resuspension. Currently we are working on (1) developing acoustic methods to measure the bulk density profile on the micro scale level, (2) developing in-situ approaches for a better settling velocity measurements, (3) carrying out rheological properties measurements of consoliding and consolidated sediment beds, and (4) proposing realistic formulations for simulating erosion and deposition process. The ultimatel objective is to have a better modeling capability for cohesive sediment transport.
The other research area is on water wave mechanics includes wave hindcast, wave transformation, wave measuring and associated sediment transport processes. Our work involves numerical simulation on wave transformation (i.e., RIDE model) as well as field measurements (e.g., x-band radar for wave remote sensing and star-wave gauges for directional wave spectra) to address shoreline response problems.
Current Projects
- Contaminant and sediment transport in the York River System.
- Shore erosion research and technical analysis program.
- Modeling water wave transformation for harbor planning.
- Acoustic characterization of marine sediments.
- Numerical random wave simulation
Selected Publications
For downloadable versions of my publications, [[maa, email me]].
- Xiaoteng Shen, Jerome P.-Y. Maa, 2015. Modeling floc size distribution of suspended cohesive sediments using quadrature method of moments. Marine Geology, 359, 106-119.
- Maa, J.P.-Y., C.-H. Tsai, W.-J. Juang and H.-M. Tseng. 2011. Preliminary study on longwave transformation and resonance at Hualien Harbor, Taiwan. Ocean Dynamics, 61, 4, 411-424. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-010-0355-6.
- Ha, H.K. and J.P.-Y. Maa, 2009. Evaluation of two conflicting paradigms for cohesive sediment deposition, Marine Geology, 265, 120-129.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., J.-I. Kwon and K.-N. Hwang, H.K. Ha, 2008. Critical bed shear stress for cohesive sediment deposition under steady flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(12), 1767-1771.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., 2008. Sediment erosion characteristics in the Anacostia River. Journal ofHydraulic Engineerging, 134(8), 1102-1109.
- Maa, J. P.-Y. and J.-I. Kwon, 2007. Using ADV for Cohesive Sediment Settling Velocity Measurements. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 73, 351-354.
- Kwon, J.I., J. P.-Y. Maa and D.-Y. Lee, 2005. A preliminary implication of the constant erasion rate model for simulating turbidity maximum in the York River, Virginia, USA. In: Coastal and Estuarine Fine Sediment Processes, J.P.-Y. Maa, L.P Sanford, and D.H. Schoellhammer (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 321-344.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., C.H. Hobbs, S.C. Kim, and E. Wei, 2004. Potential impact of sand mining offshore of Maryland and Delaware: Part 1- impact on physical oceanographic processes. Journal of Coastal Research, 20(1), 44-60.
- Maa, J. P.-Y. and S.-C. Kim, 2002. A constant erosion rate model for fine sediment in the York River, Virginia. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1, 343-360.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., T.-W. Hsu and D.-Y. Lee, 2002. The RIDE model: an enhanced computer program for wave transformation. Ocean Engineering, 29 (11), 1441-1458.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., L. Sanford, and J. P. Halka. 1998.. Sediment resuspension characteristics in the Baltimore Harbor.Marine Geology, 146:147-145.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., C.-H. Lee, F.J. Chen. 1995. VIMS Sea Carousel: Bed Shear Stress Measurements. Marine Geology, 129 (1/2), 129-136.
- Maa, J. P.-Y., and W-C. Wang. 1995. Wave transformation near Virginia coast: The 1991 Halloween Northeaster. J. Coastal Research. 11(4), 1258-1271
- Maa, J.P.-Y., L.D. Wright, C.-H. Lee and T.W. Shannon, 1993. VIMS sea carousel: A field instrument for studying sediment transport. Marine Geology, 115(3/4): 271-287.
- All publications
Past Students
- Mr. Xiaoteng Shen
- Dr. HoKyung Ha, 2002-2008.
- Dr. Jael I. Kwon, 1999_2005.
- Dr. Jun-Young Kim, 1999-2003.
- Mr. Changqing Li, 1991-1995.
- Dr. Chang-Hee Lee, 1990-1995.