Diseases of Crustacea
- Hematodinium
- Diseases of Blue Crabs
- Histological Atlas of Lobster Anatomy
- Parasitic Isopods of Crabs
- Parasitic Dinoflagellates of Crustacea
- Diagnosis of Bitter Crab Disease in Snow Crabs
- Hematodinium perezi, a parasitic dinoflagellate of blue crabs, plasmodia and vegetative stage or trophont.
- An entoniscid isopod: female Cancrion australiense from crab Thalamita sima
- The parasitic dinoflagellate Blastodinium pruvoti from the copepod Clausocalanus furcatus.
General Info on Ocypodid crabs
- Pictures of a Ghost crab attempting to hide
- Fiddler crabs in the marsh. Fiddler crab brochure for download.