Contribution Numbers for Articles


All published articles should include a VIMS Contribution number. A VIMS Contribution Number is assigned to a manuscript after it has been accepted for publication. The types of manuscripts or publications which require a number are:

  • journal articles
  • books and book chapters
  • papers in conference proceedings

Abstracts are not included.

This is not an optional requirement, but an Institute policy that articles produced by VIMS faculty, staff and students contain this acknowledgment.  [Policy PPD-0702]



How To Get A Contribution Number

Step 1

Type this statement into the original manuscript:

"This paper is Contribution No.xxxx of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary."

This statement can be shortened when necessary. The number/statement may appear as a footnote on the first page or in the acknowledgements depending on the editor or publisher.

If you are a co-author on a paper that does not originate from VIMS, you are responsibile for getting a contribution number on the article.

Step 2

Contact [[v|coughlin,C. Coughlin]] or other staff members for a Contribution number (to replace the x's) when confirmation is received that the paper has been accepted for publication. Acceptance is assumed when notification is sent to author that the paper will be published when revisions are made and a manuscript, file or email is returned. 

Provide the Library with the following information when you request a contribution number:

  • the editor's or publisher's letter or email indicating acceptance, and
  • the title page of the paper with correct spelling of title and author's name(s).


Problems or Issues


You are the second, third, fifth, etc. author:

Stay in contact with the first author and communicate your need to have the contribution number statement included. You may not have an opportunity to edit a copy of the paper. Try to get the "Contribution No.xxxx" statement on the original manuscript. The first author will have to contact you for the number to replace the x's when final edits are done on the paper.

Conferences that want papers for proceedings submitted at the meeting:

Sometimes the request for a contribution number is forgotten in the rush to get a paper ready for the conference; or, there may not be written confirmation of publication.  Provide the Library with information about your paper. We will track and include your contribution in an alternate manner.

Journal does not permit acknowledgements:

Provide the Library with publication information about your forthcoming article, book or chapter. We will track and include your contribution in an alternate manner.


Rule of thumb:

Assume that a number should be assigned for any manuscript submitted outside of VIMS.  Contact us if you have any questions. As this is an Institute policy, it is preferred that the contribution number appear in the published work.