2022 GA Special Session I

View list of bills and resolutions from the 2022 special session of the General Assembly that may be of interest to the VIMS community.

The General Assembly (GA) special session convened on 4 April 2022. Natural resources related bills and resolutions that may be of interest to VIMS are listed and summarized below. Full bill summaries and bill text are available in the Legislative Information System (LIS), which includes a searchable database. If there are other pertinent bills of interest that we may have missed, let us know and we'll add them to the list. 

Updated 9 May 2022

House Bills (HB)House Joint Resolutions (HJ)Senate Bills (SB)Senate Joint Resolutions (SJ)House and Senate District Maps

Note:  Click the triangle to the left of the title to view summary information of the bill or resolution on this page. Click directly on the title to view full version of the bill or resolution in the Legislation Information System (LIS).


House Bills (HB)
Table contains a list of bills currently in the House of Delegates.
HB 1261 State environmental boards; appointment of members to various Boards


Introduced by: Robert S. Bloxom, Jr. (R - HD 100). State environmental boards. Provides for appointment of members to the State Air Pollution Control Board, the Virginia Waste Management Board, and the State Water Control Board by the Governor, the Senate Committee on Rules, and the Speaker of the House of Delegates. Currently, all members of such boards are appointed by the Governor. The bill provides that the authority of such boards does not include the authority to issue any environmental permit, or abridge or deny any environmental permit issued by the Department of Environmental Quality.

01/20/22  House: Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
01/31/22  House: Assigned ACNR sub: Natural Resources
02/02/22  House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendments (4-Y 2-N)
02/09/22  House: Reported from Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources with amendment(s) (11-Y 10-N)
02/11/22  House: Read first time
02/14/22  House: Read second time
02/14/22  House: Engrossed by House as amended HB1261E
02/15/22  House: Read third time and passed House (52-Y 48-N)
02/16/22  Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed
02/16/22  Senate: Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
02/22/22  Senate: Reported from Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources with substitite (13-Y 2-N)
02/24/22  Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (40-Y 0-N)
02/25/22  Senate: Motion to recommit to committee agreed to
02/25/22  Senate: Recommitted to Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
03/01/22  Senate: Reported from Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources with substitite (13-Y 2-N)
03/03/22  Senate: Read third time
03/03/22  Senate: Committee substitute rejected 22106841D-S1
03/03/22  Senate: Reading of substitute waived
03/03/22  Senate: Committee substitute agreed to 22107283D-S2
03/03/22  Senate: Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute HB1261S2
03/03/22  Senate: Passed Senate with substitute (29-Y 10-N)
03/07/22  House: Senate substitute rejected by House 22107283D-S2 (0-Y 96-N)
03/08/22  Senate: Senate insisted on substitute (39-Y 0-N)
03/08/22  Senate: Senate requested conference committee
03/09/22  House: House acceded to request
03/09/22  House: Conferees appointed by House
03/09/22  House: Delegates: Bloxom, Webert, Keam
03/10/22  Senate: Conferees appointed by Senate
03/10/22  Senate: Senators: Lewis, Mason, Suetterlein
03/12/22  House: Continued to 2022 Sp. Sess. 1 pursuant to HJR455

Passed House and Senate

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House Joint Resolutions (HJ)
Table contains a list of joint resolutions currently in the House of Delegates.
There are currently no joint resolutions of relevance in the House of Delegates.
Senate Bills (SB)
Table contains a list of bills currently in the State Senate.
There are currently no bills of relevance in the State Senate.
Senate Joint Resolutions (SJ)
Table contains list of joint resolutions currently in the State Senate.
There are currently no joint resolutions of relevance in the State Senate.
House and Senate District Maps

Bills require a primary sponsor in the form of a representative or senator representing a particular district. Oftentimes indivual legislators support similar pieces of legislation based on consituent interests. Understanding what district each bill sponsor represents can therefore help in understanding public interests across Virginia.

Click here to access Virginia's current House of Delegates interactive district map.

Click here to access Virginia's current Senate interactive district map.