Cameron Blandford

Cameron Blandford has far exceeded the expectations that VIMS might hold for any of its volunteers. After VIMS acquired a former Navy landing craft, now named R/V Pelican, the VIMS Council decided to enlist several of the Institute's financial supporters to assist with its renovation. Mr. Blandford helped lead the charge by raising donations for the work required to convert the vessel into a research platform. Throughout the course of the project, Cameron shared his knowledge and experience in vessel management, renovation planning, and systems design, which he acquired during his long tenure at Newport News Shipbuilding. He personally guided the equipping of the vessel and its modification by outside contractors. Cameron's help made the renovation process unusually smooth.

VIMS volunteer Cameron BlandfordIn addition to his personal involvement, Cameron also enlisted the expertise of many of his professional friends and contacts. These individuals offered proficiency, guidance, and technical assistance with many issues that otherwise would have required VIMS to hire consultants. Cameron is a "touchstone" for VIMS, always there to lend a hand, work out solutions, or simply to reiterate his genuine interest and support for our mission.

VIMS recognized Cameron's outstanding volunteer efforts by awarding him the 2004 Robert M. Freeman Volunteer of the Year Award. Theaward was named for Robert Mallory Freeman, a former VIMS Council member and supporter who passed away in 2004.