Student Committees

Below is a list of all the current VIMS GSA positions. Please contact [[gsaexec]] for more information. 

Executive Officers
  • President/Co-President
    • Josh Garber [[v|jagarber]]
    • Andie Munoz [[v|ammunoz]]
  • Vice President
    • Julianne Grenn [[v|jmgrenn]]
  • Secretary
    • Kaite Cisz [[v|krcisz]]
  • Treasurer
    • Mary Beth Armstrong [[v|mbarmstrong]]
  • M.A. Representative 
    •  Amy Nicholson [[v|alnicholson]]
  • First-Year Representative 
    • Andie Munoz [[v|ammunoz]] 
VIMS GSA Representatives to the Academic Council and its Standing Committees
  • Academic Council Committee
    • Reid Calhoun [[v|wrcalhoun]]
    • Kaitlyn Clark [[v|krclark]]
  • Admissions Committee
    • Mara Walters [[v|mfwalters]]
    • Anna Poslednik [[v|amposlednik]]
  • Educational Policy Committee
    •  Liz Davis [[v|ehdavis]]
  • Quantitative Skills Committee
    • Shannon Smith [[v|scsmith]]
  • Best Student Paper Award Committee
    •  Abbey Sisti [[v|arsisti]]
VIMS GSA Social Committee Chairs and Representatives
  • Spring and Fall Party Chairs / TGI Committee
    • Alexa Labossiere [[v|alabossiere]]
    • MB Armstrong [[v|mbarmstrong]]
    • Emma Wilkinson [[v|egwilkinson]]
    • Olivia Szot [[v|onszot]]
  • Seminar Series Rep
    • no one currently
  • Journal Club Rep
    • no one currently
VIMS GSA Committee Chairs and Representatives
  • Awards Committee
    • Andie Munoz [[v|ammunoz]]
    • Julia Grenn [[v|jmgrenn]]
  • Research Grant Chair
    • Tor Mowatt-Larssen [[v|tmowattlarssen]]
  • Science Policy Initiative Committee
    • no one currently
  • Society for Women in Marine Science Committee
    • Grace Molino [[v|gdmolino]]
    • Alexandra Schneider [[v|akschneider]]
  • Travel Grant Chair
    • Alexa Labossiere [[v|alabossiere]]
  • Silent Auction Committee
    • no one currently
  • Chili Cook-Off Organizers
    • Julia Grenn [[v|jmgrenn]]
    • Mara Walters [[v|mfwalters]]
  • International Student Reps
    • Lilly Blume [[v|ltblume]]
    • Miguel Montalvo [[v|mmontalvo]] 
  • Green Team 
    • Kaite Cisz [[v|krcisz]]
  • Queer Grads
    • Kaitlyn Kowaleski [[v|krclark]]
    • Aly Hall [[v|achall]]
  •  Professional Development Committee
    • Co-chair: MB Armstrong [[v|mbarmstrong]]
    • Co-chair: Nihal Guennouni [[v|nguennouni]]
VIMS GSA Representatives to W&M College-Wide Entities
  • Graduate Council Reps
    • no one currently
  • Honor Council Chair
    • Derek Detweiler [[v|djdetweiler]]
  • Honor Council Members
    • Anna Poslednik [[v|amposlednik]]
    • Kacey Hirshfeld [[v|kahirshfeld]]
  • Student Conduct Council Reps (as found by the Graduate Council Reps) 
    •  no one currently
  • Honor/Student Conduct Appeals (as found by Graduate Council Reps)
    • Julia Grenn [[v|jmgrenn]]
  • Student Technology Advisory Committee
    •  no one currently
(Updated 09/25/2023)