Clean lab construction progress...

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Circa Aug 2009. The old walls, ceiling, and floor have all been ripped out; now there's new drywall, metal-free electrical fixtures, and an acid-resistant epoxy floor.

beforebenches   cleanhood  

Fall 2009. Water and drain lines are installed and cabinets are ready to go in. The HEPA-filtered fume hood is plastic-wrapped at right.

mqinstall   ducts  

May 2010. MilliQ Element ultrapure water system is installed prematurely, in prep for summer labwork. At right, the acid-proof fume exhaust ducts finally arrive and are ready for installation.

benchesafter   ducts2  

May 2010. Benches are all installed, and ductwork is going into the increasingly crowded ceiling.

ducts3   mqbox  

June 2010. Finished with installing the exhaust ductwork. At right, the MQ system is protected during the ceiling grid installation.

grid  grid2  

June 2010. Fiberglass ceiling grid is up in the clean lab and entry lab.

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June 2010. MAC-10 HEPA filters and sealed light fixtures are installed in the clean lab ceiling (and yes, those ladders were acid-washed before they went in there).

August 2010. Engineers are working on the final step, balancing all the airflows...