Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you wanted to know about VIMS' Green Team

What is the Green Team?
The Green Team is a group of about 65 faculty, students, and staff at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Our missions are to increase energy conservation, implement a broader recycling program, increase our use of natural wetland buffers in landscaping, and decrease nutrient and sediment runoff into the York River and Chesapeake Bay.

When did the Green Team form?
The Green Team was formed in Spring 2006 by a few graduate students, faculty, and staff at VIMS. After initial student and faculty meetings, our main goals were determined and everyone on campus was invited to our campus-wide meeting.

Is the group part of the Campus Climate Challenge?
Yes, 3 students and 1 faculty member joined the challenge in the Spring 2006. We use their resources in helping us get funding and developing policy. To view their website, go to As of Summer 2006, 269 other U.S. universities were part of this program.

Is the group part of William & Mary’s Environmental Group?
The group members are part of William & Mary but the Green Team is a separate entity (There is another Campus Challenge Group on main campus). Due to budget and other logistical issues, the Green Team works directly with the Administration and Facilities at VIMS. The Chair of the group is in contact with the SEAC President at the College, and one of our Faculty Advisors works with the faculty there on Policy issues. For information on their group, visit

Does this group work with the Graduate Student Association, Administration, and Facilities at VIMS directly?

Yes. All of these entities have been extremely helpful and supportive of our mission. If you have any additional questions about this issue, please [[v|vims-green,email us]].

Does the group tie itself to any political party?
No. This is a student, faculty, and staff group at VIMS and not a political group. Part of our mission is to create an atmosphere where all ideas are considered. We are made up of members with various points of view.

If I am not a VIMS student, faculty, or staff member, can I be a part of the GreenTeam?
Yes. Please email us at [[v|vims-green]] or see the link on the main page on how you can help. There is safety and volunteer information that you must have before joining us on campus for any activity. So, please email us for information first.

How can I help?
For a detailed list, please see main page and click on the link for volunteering and contributing. We can use anything from donations for projects to manpower during renovations. We would appreciate anything you could help us with.

What should I do if I have some ideas about future projects you could do?
You can contact the chair of the group by [[v|vims-green,emailing us]]. We will read your idea and contact you as soon as we discuss it as a group.

What should I do if I have a problem with something the group is doing?
You should [[v|vims-green,email us]]. All activities performed by the group will be approved by the Administration and Facilities Department beforehand. The email should be read within 24-48 hours.

Does the Group plan on expanding its mission?
Yes. But, we are starting with important, manageable projects. If you have anything you would like to take the lead on and use our resources and volunteer base, please see the Special Projects section on the main page. We would love to hear your ideas.

Who is your media contact?
You may contact the VIMS News & Media Services office using the addresses listed at the website

I found a problem with a link or fact on your website. Who should I contact?
Please [[v|vims-green,email us]]. The webmasters of this site will receive the email.

Any more questions?
We would love to answer them! Please [[v|vims-green,email us]] us. We appreciate your interest.