Zhengui Wang homepage

Zhengui Wang

Assistant Research Scientist

Email: [[v|wangzg]]
Phone: (804) 684-7387
Office: Davis Hall 223
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resource Management
Program: Numerical/Hydrodynamic Modeling

  • Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William and Mary, 2017
  • MS in Space Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011
  • BS in Space Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2008
Research Interests
  • Ecosystem modeling in estuarine and coastal regions
  • Phytoplankton and nutrients dynamics
  • Algal bloom dynamics
  • Unstructured-grid ecosystem model developments: SCHISM+CoSiNE and SCHISM+ICM
  • Wang, Z., Wang, H., Shen, J., Ye, F., Zhang, Y., Chai, F., . . . Du, J. (2019). An analytical phytoplankton model and its application in the tidal freshwater James River. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 224, 228-244.
  • Wang, Z., Chai, F., & Brady, D. (2020a). Development of a New Sediment Flux Model-Application in Chesapeake Bay. Progress in Oceanography, 102332.
  • Wang, Z., Chai, F., Dugdale, R., Liu, Q., Xue, H., Wilkerson, F., . . . Zhang, H. (2020b). The interannual variabilities of chlorophyll and nutrients in San Francisco Bay: a modeling study. Ocean Dynamics, 70(8), 1169-1186.
  • Wang, Z., Chai, F., Xue, H., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Dugdale, R., Wilkerson, F., (in review) Light regulation of phytoplankton growth in San Francisco Bay studied using a 3D sediment transport model.
  • Wang,, Xue, H., Chai, F. (In Review). Variability of the Salinity in the Gulf of Maine and the Freshwater Transport in the Scotian Shelf.
  • Liu, Q., Chai, F., Dugdale, R., Chao, Y., Xue, H., Rao, S., . . . Wang, Z. (2018). San Francisco Bay Nutrients and Plankton Dynamics as Simulated by a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Ecosystem Model. Continental Shelf Research.
  • Wang, Z. (2017). The Development and Proliferation of Summer Algal Blooms in the Oligo/Poly-Haline Portion of the Chesapeake Bay-Observational and Numerical Modeling Studies. A PhD Dissertation submitted the College of William and Mary in Virginia.
  • Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Harry V. Wang, Issac D. Irby, Jian Shen, Zhengui Wang (2016). A cross-scale baroclinic model with implicit vertical transport for the Upper Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, Ocean Modelling.
  • Wang Z., Weixing Wang., et al (2012). Investigation on the migrating diurnal tide based on TIMED-TIDI data, Progress in Geophys.
Research Work
  • 2017 - Present, Ecosystem Modeling of San Francisco Bay using SCHSIM+CoSiNE model; Coupling between a sediment flux model and a pelagic model.
  • 2014 - Mar. 2017, Dissertation: “The development and proliferation of summer algal blooms in the Oligo/Poly-haline portion of the Chesapeake Bay - observational and numerical modeling studies”.
  • 2016 - Mar. 2017, Coupling a pH model into water quality model and its application in Back River, upper Chesapeake Bay.
  • 2014 - Mar. 2017, Shallow Water Simulation with SCHISM+ICM model (Chester River); James River Chlorophyll study using data analysis and numerical model.
  • 2012 - Jun. 2014, Upper Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication modeling and sensitivity test for Baltimore Harbor nutrient loading; Water quality simulation in Maryland Coastal Bay for TMDL project.
  • 2008 - Jun. 2011 (IGGCAS) Study of the wavenumber-4 patterns of mid-thermosphere using satellite data;Tidal components of atmospheric and thermospheric parameters;Coupling between lower atmospheres with ionosphere.
Programming Skills
  • Python, Fortran, Perl, Matlab, C, Mathematica, IDL
  • Linux, Window, MPI, openMP, Familiar with working on HPC